Union Jack
Hoisted by miffy42#2
Top 5 allegiances 1. miffy42#2 UK .. 2. Deborah#3 USA ... 3. jules44#2 UK .. 4. WorldB#2 USA .. 5. ryaman#6 USA
3/2 for the USA...and my fave player yesterday was flicker123 UK...scampered and fought her way back into the top 25 toughies....fearsome stuff..this is when Invincibles start stamping on each others toes ..fighting for a foothold on the slopes of Mt Olympus.
Hey..this looks interesting .. skirt around this one..wear your flak jackets...
martin_cube Uk .... ryaman USA .... Stuhern UK
Think you can beat these two ryaman? If you get too punch drunk just yell..i'll wade in and rescue you.
The Titans

Top 5 allegiances 1. StuHern UK .. 2. cubswin2323 USA ... 3. Qmel USA ... 4. dippo UK ... 5. j2cp2 USA
3/2 for the USA..you just have to admire the USA army...the smaller army...must be a crack squad to muscle in up in the top 5 all the time. Congrats to Stu for getting 3 wins in a row.
Now I'm gnawing my lip here...cor...only 9 points seperates him from swinging j2cp2 by the heels. This is cutting it mighty fine Stu...how many days are there left? I just peeked over the parapet and.....heck! Calling all Uk troopers ..get in there now in full combat gear and split these two! Go..go..go and help Stu get more points...boy is he going to need help to beat j2cp2.
Everyone else is cunningly ducked down in their trenches and refusing to give an inch of ground.
The Mogul

Poor polaris got skinned under the guillotine by a measly 2 seconds....but the fastest time set this month is spiffy miffy at 14 seconds. No extra points there miffy....just a kindly mention from moi! I'm moving onto the bloodbath...thisis where it's all happening right now.
The Survivor..(aka Piranha's Smorgasbord)
Yesterdays top steel sheathed Survivor was mos623#1 USA

Yeaterday 16 courageous, manically suicidal troopers ran the gauntlet. 8 of you were dragged fighting and kicking out of the Pit..into Piranha's lip smacking jaws.
Brave , noble fighters...
KO5. ryaman#6 USA 350
KO5. martin_cube#7 UK 350 ..made Final Frontier this month
KO5. Johnny USA 350 .. made Final Frontier this month
KO5. dippo UK 350
KO5. Deborah#3 USA 350
KO5. briarwoodrose#8 UK 350 ..made Final Frontier this month
KO5. scubascott#9 USA 350 ..reached Final Frontier and KO4 last month
KO5. flicker123 UK 350
KO5. martin_cube#7 UK 350 ..made Final Frontier this month
KO5. Johnny USA 350 .. made Final Frontier this month
KO5. dippo UK 350
KO5. Deborah#3 USA 350
KO5. briarwoodrose#8 UK 350 ..made Final Frontier this month
KO5. scubascott#9 USA 350 ..reached Final Frontier and KO4 last month
KO5. flicker123 UK 350
The Fab Four in dynamic bold are my fave players ....
The Final 8...I'm truely in awe of...
mike32768#5 USA ..reigning Sole Survivor.
mike32768#5 USA ..reigning Sole Survivor.
WorldB#2 USA ... 6x Sole Survivor
miffy42#2 UK ..ex-Sole Survivor
Quiz_Beagle#5 UK
Stuhern UK
jules44#1 UK
lg549#9 UK
mos623#1 USA
What mindbending topics do we have left? People...hmmm..both armies good at this one.....Movies....they make most of them so this has to favour my American buddies...Geography...well the good old empire nabbed the colonies and ruled the waves so have to do better at this one. Don't they?
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