Thinking of recruiting?
Wondering how it all works?
It's simple really...has to be because I'm simple. That's moi, the penguin referee. I'm the one that bombards you with idle chatter and utter drivel everyday. Thanks to my partner , Piranha , the horrible job of rattling an abacus to add all the sums together is now consigned to the last millenium.
4 monthly Quizzes Decide Who Is Overall winner
Wondering how it all works?
It's simple really...has to be because I'm simple. That's moi, the penguin referee. I'm the one that bombards you with idle chatter and utter drivel everyday. Thanks to my partner , Piranha , the horrible job of rattling an abacus to add all the sums together is now consigned to the last millenium.
4 monthly Quizzes Decide Who Is Overall winner
The UK & Commonwealth or the USA
You don't have to play all four...take your pick and just play one if you want...but if you decide to accept this mission proud to be patriotic.. you will be fighting for your country and your country needs you!
Enlist by creating an account on any of the quiz pages. It's free and quick and painless. Each quiz you join will need to be registered seperately..joining one does not automatically allow you to play the others.

The fastest, toughest and most furious battle. A team event where each armies total points are added & averaged per player. Test your general knowledge at varying levels of difficulty.
Regardless of which side wins glory the top player earns the distinction of been crowned Challenge Champ.
The Top 10 players from each side are awarded a rank...
the dreaded Invincibles....and you'll learn to fear them
for they are superhuman and show no mercy. The best the opposing army can field.
Any player who improves their rank after consecutive months play are eligible to earn the title...MOP. These are the Most Outstanding Players who've bravely fought their way up the scoreboard and finished higher than the previous month.
Top Mop is the greatest...but the Top 10 are
honoured as national heroes and heroines.

Holders of the coveted Invincible status are not allowed on this battlefield but if you lose your rank one month you are then eligible to register to play...go trounce a few Titans or get bitten by the pack. Regain your Challenge Invincible status and you're barred again. I will issue reminders to the players concerned incase this is confusing.
All other players can fight both here and on the Challenge, if their nerves can stand it. Questions are set at General Knowledge.
The victor will be awarded the Titanasaurus Rex crown....a coveted title to hold.

You're a loner? More a sniper than a team player?
Try the Mogul run.

Everyday you get 10 answers correct in 60 seconds or less you win 10 bonus points for your country.'s that simple.
The top player reigns as Mogul Maximus.

The ultimate battle for the troops with the strongest nerves. Do you dare pick up the gauntlet? You'll need steel sheathed body armour to survive this one or you could be knocked out. Think I'm exaggrating? Try it !
You must begin playing before the first K.O. date (7th of the month) to be awarded points.
If you are knocked out you can continue to play to keep in training but only the survivors points continue to be added.
In short...
Win bonus points for each day you matter what you score....survival is your objective so try to avoid the Danger Zone. Questions will be various subjects, getting progressively harder. ...and I mean hard!
Penguin,moi, and my devious partner Piranha will eliminate the bottom 25% of troops every week. Then the board is reset..meaning no one gets a headstart.
The final survivors after K.O.3 (the cull on the 21st) get to fight the Final Frontier and after a few days instant and brutal elimination begins until only one of you remains and will become the revered Sole Survivor
Four Tournaments Offering Five Crowns of Equal Distinction

Challenge Champ
Titanasauras Rex
Mogul Maximus
Sole Survivor
Oh, and two cheeky mascots to cheer us all on.....
onebraincelluk UK & Co

& Qmel USA
also kind supplier of Mogul treats

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