Union Jack
Hoisted by jules44#1
Top 5 allegiances 1. jules44#1 UK .. 2. mos623#1 USA .. 3. Surrealist#8 USA ... 4. moomin UK ... 5. WorldB#2 USA
3/2 for the Americans....but look! Moomin is up there...my little protege and that means preferential favouritism and undoubtedly the Kiss of Death will strike! But...Lanadale and cubswin2323 were fighting up the ranks too..so that's three fave players who get knighted with a kipper bone!
Bravely hurdling the trenches we have martin cube Uk in hot pursuit of Qmel USA !
shadowzep USA is taking on briarwoodrose UK
moomin UK versus Alien8 USA looks set to be a tough scrap..oops, I knew it...moomin is in danger of an attack up the rear from kjc USA. Don't get squashed my friend!
pollygw UK is set to catch julieanne123 USA ...
The stretchers are all neatly lain out....
The Titans

Top 5 allegiances 1. shadowzep USA ... 2. StuHern UK ... 3. Qmel USA ... 4. dippo UK ... 5. cubswin2323 USA
3/2 for the fabulous Americans! And 2 wins in a row for shadowzep. Is this a last desperate dash for glory...or..dare I suggest...a cunning tactical team manouvere to take out Stu? He's valiantly catching j2cp2 but he's under attack.
And so is Helmar. Take care my friend..defender of the 10th trench...shadowzep is storming up behind..and a shudder just ran down my spine...a premonition of disaster?. Stand your ground Helmar.....the other UK Titans won't allow you to go down without a fight.
The Mogul
Yesterdays top mogul was StuHern UK

Jules44 must have run herself to a standstill...wow..6 wins in a row. She tossed the winners baton and it was caught by Stu. It's a fact..because it says so at HQ...that my american friends though adept at wriggling under that guillotine have only won on 2 days so far this month. Hmm....gee...Uk & Co..this is mercilessly hammering your enemy with gruesome efficiency. It shows in the tally of goodies each of you have stashed too...get this...UK = 3580... USA = 2670.
The Survivor

Oh...righto...you're concentrating your attack on this battlefield then right? We've reached the Final Frontier. An achievment in itself as avoiding piranha is tricky.
Congratulations to these guys for avoiding mastication ....new Final Frontier Survivors....
StuHern UK
Johnny USA
martin cube UK
cubswin2323 USA
Deborah#3 USA
paper aeroplane#6 UK....but alas already divebombed into the Danger Zone. Papermache isn't that durable then hey?
Take heart! Quiz Beagle is busy helping escapees....was...was helping...martin cube is distracting her. I can see you. You'll get a muddy coat QB...
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