Union Jack
Hoisted by jules44#1
Top 5 allegiances 1. jules44#1 Uk .. 2. WorldB#2 USA ... 3. mos623#1 USA ... 4.Deborah#3 USA ... 5. miffy42#2 Uk
3/2 for the USA.... I shall not say again..again. But my fave player was Lanadale for snatching a personal best..and...fighting her way into the top 20 finishers yesterday. Hmm...I kinda whooped with glee for pollygw and Tobyone too..so, yes, that makes three fave players!
Hoisted by jules44#1
Top 5 allegiances 1. jules44#1 Uk .. 2. WorldB#2 USA ... 3. mos623#1 USA ... 4.Deborah#3 USA ... 5. miffy42#2 Uk
3/2 for the USA.... I shall not say again..again. But my fave player was Lanadale for snatching a personal best..and...fighting her way into the top 20 finishers yesterday. Hmm...I kinda whooped with glee for pollygw and Tobyone too..so, yes, that makes three fave players!
This garrulous penguy is curious to see who might become one of the pengy's elite too..the Fearsome Ones! The Denizens of Mt Olympus who will be entitled next month to strut proudly across the battlefield instilling terror in mere mortal troopers..or something like.
Etch these names on your monitors...these are the One's to watch and strike at!
New UK & Co Invincibles To Be...Maybe
1. jules44#1
3. miffy42#2
8. Maggie#3
13. Stuhern
14. markswood#4
15. martin_cube#7
16. lg549#9
17. Quiz_Beagle#5
18. dippo
19. paper_aeroplane#6
Or...oh...strap on a jetpack magijoh1 and give chase to the aeropolane..You can do it! Yes you can!
21. magijoh1
And for the opposing army...
New UK & Co Invincibles To Be...Maybe
1. jules44#1
3. miffy42#2
8. Maggie#3
13. Stuhern
14. markswood#4
15. martin_cube#7
16. lg549#9
17. Quiz_Beagle#5
18. dippo
19. paper_aeroplane#6
Or...oh...strap on a jetpack magijoh1 and give chase to the aeropolane..You can do it! Yes you can!
21. magijoh1
And for the opposing army...
New USA Invincibles To Be...Maybe
2. mos623#1
4. WorldB#2
5. Surrealist#8
6. Deborah#3
7. j2cp2
9. strnog1#4
10. mike32768#5
11. ryaman#6
12. Qmel
20. scubascott#9
Ah...I'm on my little proteges side..but, it would take a superhuman effort and the luck of the Devil to catch scuba I think
24. twosleepy
The Titans
2. mos623#1
4. WorldB#2
5. Surrealist#8
6. Deborah#3
7. j2cp2
9. strnog1#4
10. mike32768#5
11. ryaman#6
12. Qmel
20. scubascott#9
Ah...I'm on my little proteges side..but, it would take a superhuman effort and the luck of the Devil to catch scuba I think
24. twosleepy
The Titans

Top 5 allegiances. 1. dippo UK .. 2. j2cp2 USA ... 3. StuHern UK ... 4. Qmel USA ...5. skipperdeedoo UK
3/2 for the UK & Co...that's it..you give them Amerticans a hard time..show them how it's done. Something tells me the blue woad wearers are getting
tactical now...three last days have seen possesion of the flagpole cunningly switching back and forth between the blues. dippo and whee and StuHern. But does this mean j2cp2 can be caught and hogtied? (and never ever google this term..as I just did...it is shocking stuff though educational for a pengy). Hmm..perhaps that term is inappropriate. Just nail j2cp2 to a totem pole instead hey?
I have another observation...4 out of them top 5 look set for future Invincibility...short of standing on a mine or tripping and falling in a trench. Know what this means...yes! Desperation and pressure to win the throne! Now! Not next month! Now!
The Moguls

Well done to our priceless jule in the crown ..I'm getting ahead of myself here but that was 3 wins out of the 4 battles yesterday. ..and three wins in row on the mogul. Not many can brag to have done that thesedays you know...
Bravest mogul yesterday and my fave was argentum....just managed to slither in on 60 seconds and must surely have sore battle scars today.
I digress....but I am a trifle mystified. two sleepy has remarked in that itty bitty comment box
twosleepy: I fell asleep in the middle of answering.... lol... really!
How! Tssk....if this was truly war, falling asleep at your post would mean a firing squad! Or getting pelted with rank fish! Or a medal! This surely is a determined exhausted little fighter who answers the call of duty and gives her ALL!
And Qmel...what are White Castle Sliders? Is it really edible?
Whatever it is...I hope it has performance enhancing additives....the USA army are , sadly, I regret to say....lagging behind. Feast your eyes on this UK!
UK 2990 .... USA 2220
The Survivor
Yesterdays top titanium plated survivor was jules44#1 UK

Well you already knew that didn't you ..thanks to a pengy indiscretion. Now...piranha is approaching , slowly but surely and yikes the Danger Zone is crammed with UK troops. Only 2 Americans and 4..yes 4 UK. There are desperate rescue attempts afoot...even apaw...Quiz Beagle is valiantly making a rescue bid...dangle your tail in there QB or shall I grab it and heave! Instant docking!
Denizens of the Pit don't despair yet...there are a few others slithering awfully close to the muddy edge of extinction. One poor days play...and wham..they could topple in. By them I mean...mos623 USA ... twosleepy USA ... cubswin2323 USA ... flicker123 UK ... LauraMcC UK .
I spy an Invincible there! Howdy mos....I've already got markswood and martin cube trapped ... don't stray too close!
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