I have 5 bottles of champagne chilling in the ice bucket.
Two bottles go to our double winner...

Wow...she's won them both for the last 10 months in a row! The day someone manages to beat this truly Invincible Invincible the earth will stop spinning! So jules44..please come on up and take your throne(s). Take your wistful eyes off the Sole Survivor throne ...I know...it's cruel..but that one is still managing to elude your grasp. One day soon hey?

Fantastic! He's done it! Poolosopher now has the distinction of been the only player to have worn the crown twice! He is so good. But with this months new fighters including a few worthy foes .... from both armies ...I'm expecting that to be matched. No names will pass my lips...no jinxes then..no Kiss of Death.

Whoopee you did it! It was close...mos623 nearly snatched it....but it was not meant to be. Well done mike. That's twice you won it now....this puts you up with the All Time Greats!
After 12 months of the toughie knockout (hasn't it flown by?) ...5 great players have emerged....3 Americans and 2 woad wearers. Please..take a bow...WorldB USA... mike32768 USA... BB1 USA....Quiz Beagle UK and miffy42 UK.
All the rest of us mere mortals can only look longingly at this elusive crown..the absaloute toughest to win in my humble opinion.
Next come our Devilishly Good Daily Dervishes ...that's Most Daily Wins
Challenge jules44#1 UK with 14 wins
Titan Surrealist#8 USA with 9 wins
Mogul miffy42#2 USA with 13 wins
Survivor miffy42#2 USA with 8 wins
Oh miffy and jules this is worthy of a smothering hug from moi! And you too Surrealist, don't be shy..where have you been...and yes, we've kinda noticed you're back!
There's a few changes on the lofty ledges of Mt Olympus where the great godly ones reside....
The USA Invincibles
Fear them for they are great
#1 mos623
#2 WorldB
#3 Deborah
#4 strnog1
#5 mike32768
#6 ryaman
#7 julieanne123
#8 Surrealist
#9 scubascott
#10 poolosopher
New arrivals..or should I say returnees, reclaiming their ledges are Surrealist and poolosopher...who nudged out j2cp2 and Qmel and sent them freefalling down the craggy slopes.
They bounced as they landed and hotfooted it straight over to the Titan battlefield..and cor, j2cp2 has already snatched the lead from...but..I digress..I know it's an insufferable habit of mine...
So next...
The UK & C0 Invincibles
Fear them for they are great
#1 jules44
#2 miffy42
#3 Maggie
#4 markswood
#5 Quiz Beagle
#6 paper aeroplane
#7 martin cube
#8 briarwoodrose
#9 lg549
#10 Dr Gas
Ah...well...martin cube and Maggie and Dr Gas took the elevator up in dignified comfort whilst Stuhern and magijoh1 and dippo bungey jumped down. Unbelievably they bounced too and sprang straight into action on the Titan. Well... Stuhern and dippo did....I'm not sure where magijoh1 landed.
dippo instantly took the lead...well what do you expect from an ex Titanasaurus Rex.? Then j2cp2 came along. I'm expecting a fab fight troopers! And I'm on standby to resuscitate you as and when needed!
Now we have my fave bit....the announcement of our new MOPS..or...
Most Outstanding Player. With scraped knees and hearts bursting with patriotic fire these guys and gals improved their ranking last month. Be proud...for you served your country well...Buckingham Palace and The Whitehouse must surely be typing out Oders of Merit to you all now..
But which trooper was the very best?

Come on up Maggie and take your throne...the UK & Co won the war and a UK trooper was the fittest fighter on the field! You've been on R&R for awhile so this new fangled throne will be tantalizingly new to you. Relax...this hi-tech gizmo will massage and soothe out the stresses of battle...and if I crank the mentally challenging controls...oops, perhaps not. ..you could rival the space shuttle.
Our top 10 MOPS...revere them. They gave their all and then some...
1. Maggie#3 UK up 64
2. cubswin2323 USA up 20
3. Poolosopher#10 USA up 17
4. milamtexan USA up 16
5. Alien8 USA up 13
6. jamesbedoshopper UK up 13
7. solan_goose UK up 8
8. martin_cube#7 UK up 6
9. helmar UK up 6
10. skipperdeedoo UK up 6
Not forgetting the other determined fighters who all excelled and improved their game.
Briarwoodrose#8 UK up 3
dcreasy USA up 3
Dr_Gas#10 UK up 5
flicker123 UK up 4
jacky UK held rank
jules44#1 UK held rank
julieanne123#7 USA held rank
kjc USA up 1
LanaDale USA up 4
miffy42#2 UK held rank
mike32768#5 USA up 1
Mikeangel USA held rank
mos623 USA held rank
Norabee USA up 2
polaris UK up 3
Quiz_Beagle#5 UK up 4
Scubascott#9 USA up 2
shadowzep USA up 5
steve-e UK up 5
strnog1#4 USA held rank
trooper2196 UK up 1
twosleepy USA up 2
WorldB#2 USA up 1
yand UK up 3
So sorry if your name is not listed here. This means..tact pengy, tact...you might just need to increase your protein intake or were just unlucky or haven't played long enough to qualify .....or succintly put...you slid down the ranks. There, that was tactfully done.
I'm scampering off to cheer on the sidelines now....inbetween tossing a few treats down into the Survivor Danger Zone.
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