Stars & Stripes
Hoisted by mos623#1
Top 5 allegiances 1. mos623#1 USA ... 2. miffy42#2 UK ... 3. Surrealist#8 USA... 4. jules44#1 UK ... 5. strnog1#4 USA
3/2 for the American devils! And it's 3 wins in a row for mos623 too! Oops..this is sounding bad my UK & Co friends. The red devils have made a magnificent start...the mothy cobwebby Union Jack has only been hoisted the once. The most devilish of the lot of them..mos...is leading their charge (more like a path of destruction) and he has the lead! jules and miffy have been cut off behind enemy lines. Cling grimly to that throne jules....the rebellious horde is coming...it must be something to do with the Fourth of July .....Argh!
But pengy has fave players...and my current special fave is a UK trooper. A big pengy wave to moomin....a true trooper....who's muscled in amongst the top 25 toughies.
I was kinda curious..oh okay I admit it...dying to find out who'd managed to keep a clean record so far...reported for duty everyday and got all 10 questions right. So I sneaked into HQ..and here in my flipper I have the list of ...the godly beings...
mike32768#5 USA
Maggie#3 UK
briarwoodrose#8 UK
ryaman#6 USA
mos623#1 USA
jules44#1 UK
Wonder who'll last out the longest at this! Gripping and gruelling isn't it!
The Titans

Top 5 allegiances. 1. Qmel USA ... 2. steve-e UK ... 3. onebraincelluk UK ... 4. flicker123 UK ... 5. j2cp2 USA
3/2 for the UK & Co!..Yes., I don't get to say that often..The woad wearers are fighting hard here and I reckon, in my modest pengy opinion....are giving the Americans a tough battle.
There's only 3 red devils in the top 10..hmmm...that has to be a first.
The lead is already hotly disputed...and the base of the flagpole is already notched and worn by scrabbling feet.
I think it's gonna be a close one this month.....in fact..might I be brave enough to suggest, even at this early stage...I'm betting a Uk & Co player steals the throne? There! That's done it...your Fate is sealed.
I happened to see the stats at HQ and...well...now I've stopped chuckling I'll share with you who are our fabiosos who've got nien wrong...no, not nine..nien!
I do the odd foreign word too you know. I have a hidden talent for lingwistics.
Helmar UK
Helmar UK
j2cp2 USA
Only 2? Wow...so may brave troopers falling into ignominy so soon? This is because the fighting is so taut and tense. But pengy has a soft spot for all the Titans...even the endearing little cheeky ones...like Qmel. Helmar and j2cp2 are as well, undoubtedly, my current fave players.
The Moguls

jules is great on movies...jules nearly always win on a movie day now.
I sympathetically extend a tube of antiseptic cream to poor jamesbedoshopper who was beat yeterday by just 2 seconds.....Here my friend..daub some of that on your sore bits. That guillotine is nasty sharp isn't it and can graze the most obscure little places?
It's enough to make your eyes sting.
Only four lithe limbo dancers have kept their record intact...have slithered successfully under the blade with none wrong.
Deborah USA
mike32768 USA
jules44 UK
strnog1 USA
You're outnumbered jules.....but let's see if you can do it again! Who's going on to hang onto an unblemished record this time!
Oh...whilst sniffing about HQ I accidentally noticed how well the two armies arsenals are been loaded with bonus goodies. One army has already taken a decisive lead....whilst one army is snatching at their heels. One army has a fab 640 grenades/aka bonus goodies stashed. The other army has an even fabbier 720 mountain of points.
In the interests of morale...I shall refrain from identifying which is which....besides, pengy doesn't like to encourage any sense of relief whatsoever in any combatants....it's unhealthy and detrimental to the fighting instinct.
Remember this is war!
The Survivor
Yesterdays meteorite sheathed winner was miffy42#2 UK

There is frantic scrabbling in the Danger Zone..and not surprisingly...KO1 is after play tomorrow. Piranha will show no mercy...neither will I..not now I've spotted just how many daredevil troopers are balancing close to the Pit edge. This is a dangerous time and place to stop for a much needed breather my friends.
Friends? Oh yes...
Though presumbaly safe and peering down into the abyss and pitying the poor victims down there do take care....jamesbedoshopper UK ... twosleepy USA ...Helmar Uk and skipperdeedoo UK...for you are only a sneaky pengy nudge from piranha's jaws. Feel free to stamp on any fingers you see scrabbling out...keep clear of peril.
There are some fine players trapped down there who are reluctant to be devoured and keen to get out.
There are also three free fine players who have got every single answer correct so far. Way out of reach of disappointed piranha's jaws...we have
Deborah USA
Stuhern UK
ryaman USA
Congratulations from pengy.
But now...I going to scamper over to the mogul. Qmel is kindly serving Canadian bacon and sauekraut....hmm, tasty ...oh and a belated/early Happy Independence Day to my american buddies. This confabulation over 4/7 and 7/4 is vexing to a pengy. April seems such a long way away...one way or another.
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