Wednesday 19th November

Union Jack
Hoisted by miffy42#2

Top 5 allegiances...1. miffy42#2 UK.... 2. jules44#1 UK ... 3. mos623#2 USA...4. whee#6 UK ... 5. poolosopher USA
3/2 for the UK & Co...and yes, the naughty errant pengy is back! And this time it's to stay! Yay you have been warned...the referee is back and it's all thanks to Qmel bombarding my hideout with tasty fishy food... How did she know I was hiding in my bomb pod? Clever thing.
Back to the deadly serious fave players. Just too many to mention with been a way for a while, but aw, my little eyes gleamed yesterday when poolosopher shot past and romped home in 5th. pollygw...mmm...liked her too. Hey I say..the UK & Co team are getting ferociously good. Wonder whether this means they're winning this month. Stats are locked in HQ and I've sworn a good behaviour oath not to sneak in and peek least until tomorrow anyway.

The Titans
Yesterdays top terrific Titan was scubascott.

Top 5 allegiances...1. scubascott USA ... 2. markswood UK ... 3. Qmel USA...4. briarwoodrose UK ...5. ryaman USA

3/2 for the USA..ah, that makes you quits now. And my fave little trooper? Well done there briarwoodrose and not to be niggardly with the praise and adulation, the other top 5 were pretty spiffy aswell.
Why a terrific win ? Leadership change! New Leader! PENGY IS SHOUTING!
All fall to your knees in abject terror! Scubascott filched the lead off she won't allow that! Everyone hide whilst they thrash it out, pengy is waiting with the sticking plaster, super glue and splints.

The Mogul
Yesterdays most cunning animal mogul was jules44#1 UK

I have the willpower of a gnat. Raided HQ....oops, oh dear america. As an ambassador for peace I am reluctant to open my beak and share my findings. Is this the harbinger of doom I ask myself? What crucifying effect will it have on USA morale? I'm beating my chest here....and sqwauking like a bald eagle.
UK & Co 3110 USA 2050
Wow. That is an awful lot of goodie points to claw back.

The Survivor
Yesterdays top aluminum foil sheathed survivor was demurechicky#3 UK

Good work demurechicky that magnificent result made you the top UK player so far this round. 25 brave troopers are thrashing it out to reach the Final Frontier and 6 are doomed to fail and end up piranha meat. 10 are USA flavour tasty snacks and 15 are UK & Co. OldSpotPig escaped the Danger Zone so smoked ham is off the menu...and I'm getting excited..why? Because mos623 is hanging onto the edge of the pit by his finger nails! Anyone would think I've marked him out for special attention. This is not burning mission in life is to grab as many Invincibles as I can!
Time for a quick scan across the flaming battlefields...and mos623 is flying from the Challenge flagpole. That's stopped me bragging then hasn't it. demurechicky is leading the mogul stampede...surely demurechicky has to rate as one of the ace players this month. I certainly think so. The Titans is the toughest arena...and cheeky markswood is in first..ah, this is interesting. At only 3 points behind julieanne123, pengy is nibbling his flippers with dreadful excitement....can he catch her?
Time for me to jog off to the Survivor pit and stamp on some fingertips to stop anyone clambering out...

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