Union Jack flying
Hoisted by Little Heaven#5

Top 5 allegiances ...1. Little_Heaven#5 UK ...2. miffy42#2 UK ...3. scubascott USA ...4. jules44#1 UK ...5. flicker123 UK

4/1 for the fab troops in blue! Yes, the UK & Co glued their little bods to the flagpole and repelled invaders!

My current fave feisty players are.., there's 3. I'm cheering and waving my flippers for malarson3... argentum and Dr Gas...all doing dead well in the Top 25 Toughies. Pengy loves a fighter!
Any private duels? Oh yes, battlefield is littered with spent ammo (scraps from the mogul smorgasbord).
Brave demurechicky is stranded amongst a ravening mob of americanos..and is stalking Eebs..hm..both Invincibles..both #3. Wonder who'll win that one?
argentum needs backup quick! Get in there red devils! Poor thing has got to fend off wakazawaka...magijoh1 and Dr_Gas.
Qmel V briarwoodrose looks nasty...the UK snipers are queueing behind, fingers on the trigger. That's a stretcher needed for Qmel then I reckon.
diver5115 USA V flopsy UK ...hm...a pretty new american recruit here...
Blackdresss USA V Wetherby_Pond UK...both good players and well matched...both busy lobbing missiles from their trenches.
goldbob USA V purelyqing UK....sorry goldbob, any last requests? There's a pack of troops tattoed with the union jack behind. Splints and a stretcher for you then too I guess.
And finally,..the mini-war where even a rash pengy waving a white flag won't go...the most hotly fought over three trenches on the scoreboard.
tisonlyme321 UK....LanaDale USA...Alien8 USA...glitterfairy UK...swotty UK ... finstockian UK ... NEWSoUSA USA and cyberhen UK.
There's empty trenches abandoned by deserters there...up for grabs!...but pop your head up and the enemy will bop you one! It's official..pengy declares this the toughest mini-battle.

The Titans
Yesterdays top Titan was julieanne123

Top 5 allegiances 1. julieanne123 USA...2. flicker123 UK... 3. castortroy USA...4. Qmel USA...5. scubascott USA

4/1 for the USA. Ooer...nearly got whitewashed UK. ..then again, they restored national honour after the Challenge. Reckons that's quits then.
Take care markswood....Qmel has you in her sights! Never underestimate Qmel...with great dexterity she manages the catering whilst swatting at UK players. Today is ham and beans.
Alien8 is in trouble...the terrestial troops, specifically UK troops are out after his hide....pengy masks a little smirk here. ..wonders if it's because alien8 once divulged his occupation. ...it smacks of alien abductions!

The Mogul
Yesterdays top history mogul was miffy42#2 UK

Cor, you were living dangerously yesterday blackprinceuk..just sneaked in under the well greased guillotine on 60 seconds flat. Almost gotcha! There's 5 troops from each team in the top 10...and pengy can divulge that this battle is where the americans might meet their nemesis . Take the attack to them UK & Co! This is their Achilles Heel! They're going under quicker than the Titanic! Yes, this is pure, unadulterated rabblerousing from a gleeful pengy who loves a good scrap....

The Survivor
Yesterdays top titanium plated winner was whee#6 UK

The Danger Zone has new sacrifices all scrabbling to dig footholds and escape. 2 UK & co and 6 USA.
Newsflash! pengy has captured 2 Invincibles! 2! Bliss.
shadowzep#10 and....mos623#2...hiya guys...so glad you could drop in. But can I keep you trapped? I'll do my best..promise...and treat you kindly. Then there's the 7 of you just escaped me by the skin of your teeth....this is magnificent. If I tickle your fingers will you let go and drop in?
Todays subject is animals...no help there...too many of you are too good at animals. Then again...tomorrow is music and that always throws up a few nasty surprises.
Right... everyone in the pit...open your jaws...I'm chucking some kippers down. It's feeding time. Don't worry, they're filleted....

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