Union Jack's Flying
Hoisted by jules44#1

Top 5 allegiances...1. jules44#1 UK... 2. strnog1#9 USA... 3. Eebs#3 USA...4. miffy42#2 UK ... 5. shadowzep#10 USA

3/2 for the USA...again. My oh my, you're all getting incredibly good at this..had a different winner everyday so far. I just have to mention malarson3. Fave player! Fave player! That was the day before..when I was AWOL.
Still I digress.
Back to yesterday..or is that forward? Never mind, who cares. Fave player was dippo, romped home in the top 20...a toughie achievement to be true. I know..I have to drag the trampled to safety by their smoking heels. That FT question is wrong you know...the largest litter item is not cigarette butts/fag ends, or indeed gum. It's pengy trampled troopers!
So be smug little trooper dippo..pengy says so!

The Titans
Yesterdays top Titan was scubascott

Top 5 allegiances 1. scubascott USA... 2. julieanne123 USA ...3. lg549 UK...4. castortroy USA....5. Qmel USA

4/1 for the americans. Hot news from HQ is that julieanne123 has declared civil war and swiped the lead off ryaman.
1. julieanne123 USA...2. ryaman USA ...3. scubascott USA...
Only 7 points split these firebrands! Should the UK & Co players step back and keep out of this for now. ...tactics...mmm.
Pssssttt.....markswood UK, you're nicely positioned to capitalize on this whilst they're distracted. Pssstt...markswood, don't be complacent...Qmel is getting to strike from behind! Me, I feel a pang of sympathy for twosleepy...for the omnipotent pengy can see, sadly, what's coming...for you are sandwiched between the enemy. So many infact I'd be hardpressed to guess who will deal the death blow...except, ah, you'll be hardpressed too.

The Mogul
Yesterdays top music mogul was Eebs#3 USA

And that makes for 2 wins in a row..so well done there. Eebs has to be one of the best on awful, mentally challenging music . Now all of you are out busy grabbing bonus goodies for your team...missing that 60 second guillotine when it crunches down is nervewracking stuff .....but last month, a UK & Co win month if I might be as bold and insensitive as to remind everyone...saw record numbers of you improving your goodie power. Yes, in easy speak this means you won more than the month before and helped your team no end. ..helped swing the win..or mitigated their loss...so everyone can be proud!
These are the fab moguls who upped their play the most!

StuHern UK won 120 more
poolosopher USA won 110 more
goldbob USA won 110 more
Wilberforce_Dumblebum UK won 100 more
lg549 UK won 90 more
julieanne123 USA won 80 more
martin_cube UK won 70 more
paper_aeroplane UK won 70 more
miffy42 UK won 60 more
purelyqing UK won 60 more
milamtexan USA won 60 more

And these are the slightly less fab moguls..but still worthy of a telegram from the royal pile or Pennsylvannia Ave
Dr_Gas UK won 50 more
kjc USA won 50 more
briarwoodrose UK won 50 more
ryaman USA won 40 more
Little_Heaven UK won 40 more
argentum USA won 30 more
demurechicky UK won 30 more
twosleepy USA won 30 more
MarchHare007 UK won 30 more
magijoh1 UK won 20 more
Squisher UK won 20 more
Qmel USA won 20 more
flicker123 UK won 20 more
onebraincellUK UK won 20 more
WorldB USA won 10 more
mike32768 USA won 10 more
mos623 USA won 10 more
strnog1 USA won 10 more
polaris UK won 10 more
Pix UK won 10 more
CRAZZYMAN USA won 10 more
BB1 USA won the same
OldSpotPig UK won the same
Eloise UK won the same
Brian UK won the same

The Survivor
Yesterdays top steel sheathed winner was mos623#2 USA

The americans are good at movies and music have you noticed this? But less of that! Today is the day piranha gets to have his hors d'ouvres...There are 11 live snacks in the Danger Zone. 8 of them are UK...I wonder if that makes piranha's nibbles more or less predisposed to be full of genetically modified or irradiated food? Diet is important. You are what you eat! Pengy will watch with interest to see if piranha develops a luminous glow after snacking. But this is not a culinary blog and no one is the least bit interested...we just want victims!
Take heart if you're one of the 11....a few other players are sliding dangerously close to the edge of the abyss...
The official nibbles kindly provided by Qmel ...chicken alfredo...how yummy....I'll ask if she'll toss the wishbone down into the Pit shall I?

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