Union Jack
Hoisted by jules44#2
1. jules44#2 UK....Good work!
2. midgetmark#1 UK...this is a speedy response
3. julieanne123#10 USA...where you deserve to be
4. Anton USA ...Cheeky..up amongst the Great Ones
5. ryaman#9 USA...you swung it the USA way
It was 3/2 for the americans...but jules44 and midget are here and clambered up the greasy flagpole. The leadership was swiped from Eebs too, swiped by midget.
My fave players are a trio I think are playing especially well just now...running and jumping the trenches..going the extra mile. I speak and wave and cheer about Anton...shoemike and finstockian. Good work...pengy applauds you.
The Titans
Yesterdays terrific Titan was scubascott USA

Now...the more observant of you will have noticed something. The rest might not. So....shall I own up or keep my beak shut.
On to other things...naw, that's cowardly. Pengy needs an eye test. Crumbs..an Invincible was running lose on the course...creating havoc. Just a minor glitch. Thanks to the Invincible Deborah for drawing this to HQ's attention. Tut..tut I think that penguin should be put against a wall and used for kipper target practice...or you can tickle me to death.
Now..to battle talk. The UK & Co are living dangerously here...could soon be in big trouble. The demons in red have won everyday so far...7 out of the top 10 are the devilish reds. lg549...Little Heaven and sparkling wine are putting up a cracking resistance and leading the smaller UK army with panache..but..well, I'm sure they'll go down fighting if it comes to it.
My fave Titan was solan goose...grabbed a PB..is getting consistntly good and would I reckon be up with those dominating americanos if he'd playd all 4 days.
Now the points are tighter on this quiz...which means, it's so much easier to get biffed and fall in a trench. Wonder how this skirmish will work out...
polaris...cat_brat63 and Lacey are all grappling for supremacy.
polaris...cat_brat63 and Lacey are all grappling for supremacy.
And then there's Surrealist. A danger. An unknown quantity. Yes...and the nearest UK trooper able to take him/her out is lg549, except first he has to wallop scubascott. Best of luck to all of you...and a double helping for the brave UK underdogs.
The Moguls
Yesterdays sparky People Mogul was midgetmark#1 UK
The Moguls

Did you hear the jungle drums midget and come running? Could you feel Surrealist breathing down your neck? Do midgets have necks? Surrealist was my fave Mogul...wherever you cran your neck you see his/her footprints.
I totted up the team scores for the first 4 days duels...guess who's leading so far.
No...it's not. You're wrong. By a skinny 10 points the UK are holding the red tide back. Wow! What a shocker! And I bet every american's jaw just dropped...or perhaps a dubious moo of the mouth...then a determined glint in the eye to get and rectify the situation. Cor...UK..watch out..they'll take no prisoners now.
The Last Human Standing
Yesterdays toughie was miffy42#3 UK
With the deadly combination of miffy and jules the UK stole the glory yesterday.
For....midgetmark...has gone. AWOL...abducted by the enemy or thrown in the towel? The rules of engagement with this battle mean it will be nigh on impossible to gauge who's winning...until the bitter end. A real adrenalin pumper...and palpitations and a pacemaker for me!
There's a heck of a lot of scurrying going on at the bottom 25% of the table.
Congrats to these guys who are climbing on the shoulders of the rest to scramble to safety.... flicker123 UK ..climbed 1 rung......blackprinceuk UK ..climbed 1 rung31...... purelyqing UK ...climbed 2 rungs ....cyberhen UK climbed 2 rungs.
Your bravery is awesome!....
A quick swivel of the telescope to see what's afoot...mmmm....cat brat's treating us to fried chicken. Nice..can someone stick their virtual hand through their solid monitor and pull my virtual wishbone with me? STOP. Don't really try it!
Hey mos623's footprints are on the Challenge course! Is this a flying visit or is he set to return in full battle gear? Now that would upset things...UK had better post sentries to take him out.
miffy is currently defending the flagpole....AND standing shoulder to shoulder with midgetmark on the Mogul. j2cp2 is leading the Titans...and Surrealist is top dog on Last Human.
Seems about a fair split to me then....so far....
I'm toddling over now....so careful where you aim your bazookas.
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