Yes...it's that special 4th July
Stars & Stripes hoisted by Eebs#6
1. Eebs#6 USA...Kind of appropriate hey?
2. WorldB#2 USA..Getting a bit cocky aren't you?
3. paper aeroplane#8 UK...Here come the opposition
4. purelyqing UK...It's a charge!
5. Little Heaven UK...A Terrible Trio infact!
well it was 3/2 for the UK & Co....and Eebs#6 rugby scrummed midgetmark and stole the lead. Not many can claim to have done that. Brave girl...later today , you watch, there'll be a tremor as midget storms in bent on leader retrieval. My fave Challenge player was nikujohn...went AWOL or in exile..but is back now. So welcome back to the fray.
There's already some severe congestion starting...a few multiple pile-ups.
These are the hairiest..the one's in all conscience I feel driven to patrol with my harpoon. Have to minimize casualties...I care for humans.
nikujohn USA..yes the returned reservist...is embroiled in a scrap with magijoh1 UK....and just like tag wrestling scubascott USA is tackling lg549 UK. Winner gets to take on the survivor. I might add for those assessing the odds that the UK have a current Invincible and an ex-Invincible to try to down.
trooper2196 and TAR fan are biffing away at each other...which is made more exciting by a big scrap behind them...rolling their way...hey...this one's worth selling tickets for! Everyone got medical cover?
Fighting for the same trench, scrambling over each others backs we have salami_swami...bernie73...solan_goose...notae ... argentum and Alien8 and cat_brat63. No one harm cat brat! Hands off...she's special..she runs the excellent CATering Corps. 7 players...and only 2 UK.
Oh dear..a tad outnumbered methinks.
Guess what..there's another mammoth battle behind them too. I'm watching this one develop and will keep you posted if and when it gets out of hand.
Oh dear..a tad outnumbered methinks.
Guess what..there's another mammoth battle behind them too. I'm watching this one develop and will keep you posted if and when it gets out of hand.
Next big bash is between Limericist...NEWSoUSA...julieanne123...tisonlyme321and blackprinceUK. Wonder how our recent newcomer Limericist will fair?
The Titans
Stars & Stripes hoisted by poolosopher

The first five to romp across the line were poolospher USA, sparklingwine UK, scubascott USA, Qmel USA and Deborah USA.
A 4/1 win for the USA there...er, don't like to alarm you UK but it's seems to a penguin's inexperienced eye that the american cohorts are already running riot on this course. Won everyday so far. Say no more. Think I'll need to turn my attention to this tomorrow..but...my fave Titan yesterday was twosleepy who fought bravely and won a spot in the Top 10.
The Mogul
Yesterday's top Music Mogul was Eebs#6 USA
Another win for the americans. Come on UK...are you in revrse or is it a cunning tactic...lull them fall into a false sense of security? Beating them on the Mogul will be a toughie though. My fave Mogul (s) were Eloise...and cyberhen. A hellish host of you made your debut onto the bonus table but I can't pick you all...but I chose Eloise and cyberhen because my faultless instinct tells me here we have talent and toughness.
And I'm itching to tot up who's nabbed the early lead...but that will put you all under pressure ...so...I will.
The Last Human Standing.
Yesterdays winner was Surrealist USA

Discreet cough....Heck....The Union Jack will get moths in it and I'll have to wear it as a stringvest. Now...Surrealist looks darn dangerous wherever he goes. This quiz is a knockout remember....this is week one. UK get your big guns out..hammer him, superglue his/her feet...make sure he gets nobbled. There is already cause for concern....midgetmark is in the dreaded Danger Zone. Yikes..never...get him a new battery quick...
My fave Last Human was sparklingwine for clambering valiantly out of the Pit...and aw poor blackprinceuk who slithered down into it.
Here are my friends who are in danger.....but don't panic yet...well maybe just a little...pengy is here to catch you.
29. poolosopher USA
30. flicker123 UK
31. blackprinceuk UK
32. Lacey UK
33. purelyqing UK
34. solan_goose UK
35. cyberhen UK
36. midgetmark UK
37. salami_swami USA
30. flicker123 UK
31. blackprinceuk UK
32. Lacey UK
33. purelyqing UK
34. solan_goose UK
35. cyberhen UK
36. midgetmark UK
37. salami_swami USA
Whew...and to think next week the questions will get harder.
Now...I've been messing with the blog..changing links..laying livewires to new pages and stats. Hope it works better for you all...you might be relieved to know I've finnished now.
You can...
Check your current Mogul points daily now without having to wait for me to rattle my abacus.
Check your current Last Human Standing points...and risk of elimination ...if you dare. Forewarned is fourarmed as they say.
But...how has a thick penguin managed this you ask? A lobotomy? Nothing so gross. No...I have a helper now. A friendly piranha who is a whizz on a motorized abacus..and I would dearly love to thank my piranha now because without said piranha the new fun games would not be possible. Many thanks from me, and my wornout abacus. Health Warning: Yes...this does mean you will get forcefed more drivel ! Technology has it's price.
And it gets better....cat brat , USA mascot extraordinaire has kindly provided a full picnic hamper to rummage in.
For All Our American Friends
Right UK & C0...now go thrash them!
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