Union Jack
Hoisted by jules44#2
1. jules44#2 UK 2 In A Row...go..go...go
2. miffy42#3 UK The dynamic duo held the USA back
3. mike32768#5 USA...Oops..a toughy sneaked in
4. shadowzep#7 USA ...and another
5. Quiz Beagle#6 UK...brave girl held back a pack of americans
And it was a pack. A 5 pack. It might have been 3/2 for the UK...but 16 of the Top 25 Toughies are americans. This shocking statistic is, I believe, the first time ever. So oops to you UK & Co.
My fave players were a feisty pack who must have made a pact...5 of them...all galloping into the top 20 and that's a fab thing when the questions are difficult.
I loved them all...so here they are..trooper2196 ...tisonlyme321 ...donamaria
onebraincellUK ...notae and drainman .
There was anarchy breaking out all over the battlefield..so how did it go?
I fear nikujohn has fled the field..so magijoh1 won that scrap.
scubascott biffed lg549
trooper2196 flattened TAR fan in the mud.
There was something frightening and fearsome about to kick off between
salami_swami...bernie73...solan_goose...notae ... argentum and Alien8 and cat_brat63.
A UK trooper scurried out of the heap! Yay... solan_goose who is at this moment boldly nipping at Deborah's heels.
notae landed ontop of nikujohn...Ouch
argentum is relatively safe and getting his/her second wind.
bernie73 and cat brat63 have landed in a heap of new trouble...
Take on finstockian and tisonlyme321 at your peril!
Alien8 ...quick run and hide...soon MarchHare007 and Dr_Gas will start nipping at you.
Take on finstockian and tisonlyme321 at your peril!
Alien8 ...quick run and hide...soon MarchHare007 and Dr_Gas will start nipping at you.
salami_swami is well...about to be trampled by OldSpotPig...our top porky. What an ignominious demise.
The Titans

UK have never won this one yet. 7 out of the top 10 are USA. Has this dented UK morale? It certainly has not! They have their own coach..an Invincible, Quiz Beagle cheering them on....and onebraincelluk, generally messing about. As such...instead of a fave player yesterday I picked Quiz Beagle as best team coach.
Poolospher will have a fight on his hands when he comes back after weekend. Was leading..now he isn't and he'll have to climb over lg549 and two team mates to get back first.
Perhaps some new UK recruits might go help the brave fighters already trading pinches..sorry mistyped that...punches. In a few days HQ will be totting up all the stats...and we see the real truth.
The Moguls
Yesterday's top history mogul was midgetmark#1 UK
Hmn...that's 2 in a row for the little scamp. Clearly he's at it again.
My fave mogul was CRAZZYMAN. A real spirited fighter always there to bag goodies for his team. The dust devil americans....you can see them on the horizon...you can run and hide or if masochistic can chase them.
As we know the UK are the underdogs here. Though the top 3 moguls are UK...7 out of the top 10 are USA. Will nip off and post the team scores next to suss out how much damage this has inflicted.
The Last Human Standing
Yesterday's toughest toughie was Surrealist USA
The countdown to the first cut-off is looming close. I'm getting palpitations...and making the stockade cosy and snug for the first victims.
My fave player though had to be purelyqing for escaping the Danger Zone. Not by climbing 1 rung of the sticky ladder ....nor 2....but....6! Cor...I nearly had him and he got free! Well done...6.....that's pretty tremendous.
During this first week of combat my admiring eye has been scanning the 4 battles too...for my choice for current eyecatcher.
Just lately you have to ooh and ah over Anton for playing fantastically well and grabbing 8th in the Challenge and 6th in the Mogul.
And don't forget newcomer Surrealist.
Will we all soon learn to fear him/her? Wear amulets around our necks, eat garlic and carry bazookas with silver bullets.
Is this the dawn of The Ultimate Weapon? Already 15th in the Challenge...
9th in the Mogul...6th in the Titans and 4th in The Last Human Standing. No crowns yet to brag about..no MOP ranking....no Invincible Status...I have a sneaky suspicion this is a covert operation to bag one if not all 4! Let's see what happens when he locks horns with the toughest.
And now...it's sunday...and I'm getting peckish and it's pork stir fry! Everyone pile into the mogul buffet...
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