Union Jack's still flying
Hoisted by midgetmark#1
1. midgetmark#1 UK...the UK are tossing the baton...
2. Surrealist USA..You!
3. WorldB#2 USA...sprinting shoulder to shoulder
4. mike32768#5 USA ...and only a smidgin behind.
5. jules44#2 UK...held back the next USA wave
3/2 for the UK and their flag is flying for another day. Surrealist took on the might of midget and failed....but for how long? What do you think midget? You getting a tad nervous and jittery....or confident you can bash this cheeky newcomer. My fave Challenge player were TAR fan and kick. Both snook into the top 20...oh and wakazawaka ..my heat seeking sensors spotted you peeking in.... so hello there.
Are the UK rounding up their reservists? Could be..
The Titans

My fave Titan was Qmel...one of the USA devils. Must be in training for the Olympics...has notched up 10 in 29 secs for 3 days on the trot. Rarely if ever has an off-day. We're maybe looking at our first Titanasaurus Rex here. But then again there a few hot contenders ...and a new UK recruit joined up. This one is wide open, everyone is well matched.
The Mogul
Yesterdays top Movie Mogul was Surrealist USA
Yep..get used to the name...or forget the name...it's a red herring as this is for real not surreal. My fave Mogul was Stuhern...believes he hasn't earned any bonuses yet this month .aw..can't hav that...please someone tell him and put him out of his misery, he got 10 yesterday on movies! It's official, it's from pengy HQ. Only 17 of you did....movies huh...dead long questions about obscure films.
The Last Man Standing
WARNING: You Only Have Todays Play Left.

Then I will cull the bottom 25% of the field. 9 of you will be grabbed by moi, abducted and taken to the stockade.....and have to survive on a diet of kippers whilst you sit the remainder of this month out.
solan goose....flicker123 and blackprinceuk scrambled out the pit yesterday. Sneaky little blighters....
So who has to evade my tickling flippers?
31. Lacey UK
32. sparklingwine UK
33. purelyqing UK
34. cyberhen UK
35. salami_swami USA
36. poolosopher USA
37. hilltopper67 USA
38. julieanne123 USA
39. midgetmark UK
Did the rest of you just breathe a sigh of relief....DON'T....
If any of them poor souls manage to climb out...a new sacrifice will have to take their place under the guillotine...and it might just be YOU!
My fave players though have to be hilltopper67 and julieanne123...fancy joining at the last minute..landing upto their necks in the Pit..arriving like the cavalry! Now all they've got to do is survive.
whey hey! This is brave stuff....the stuff I admire and how heroes are born!
Watch this space tomorrow to find out who got clobbered in the first round.
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