Union Jack
Hoisted by midgetmark#1
Firstly...apologies for been AWOL yesterday...please forgive a sorry, sad little penguin. If you would like to smack me..please form an orderly queue and do not use battlefield weapons.
Then when you've finished..pin back your lugs (ears) for an intro to the new status quo.
1. midgetmark#1 UK ...already exerting his domination!
2. shadowzep#7 USA ..in killer mode...
3. jules44#2 UK ....Aw deposed but always a fighter
4. poolospher USA ..hello there pool...you're a busy guy now
5. WorldB#2 USA .. Ha! nipped in and swung it for the USA
So it was 3/2 for the americanos. That's good work considering this is enemy territory where the UK & Co usually dominate. Those where the days, my fiend, oops...missed the R out there but as it's kind of apt I'll leave the spellcheck. Not so now. Wonder how/if they can regain the old glory and make the USA toe the line? What do you say UK...can you rise to the challenge?I might mention casually here that midgetmark is already notching up consecutive wins.
My fave player was poolospher...snatched 4th and is riding a very impressive 7th after 2 days. Can't believe he's not ranked to be honest, seems sad...he's getting very consistent and great at hurdling the trenches.
The Titans
Stars & Stripes flying for the USA.
Hoisted by Surrealist
1. Surrealist USA....?
2. j2cp2 USA...A demoted Invincible is a dangerous animal.
3. Little Heaven UK...and another...
4. poolosopher USA...again? Twice in one day pool...Well done!
5. TAR fan USA....I'm thinking you will be a force to be reckoned with.
That's 4/1 for the americanos here...gee..haven't they got off to a cracking start. Day before yesterday the top 5 Titans were all from the sunny side of the pond.
But I have a question...who is this magnificent secret weapon the Americans have unleashed on the tournament? Who is Surrealist? A newcomer and 2 wins already ....this is my fave Titan. Anyone laying any bets how many crowns he/she can win this month..if any? Better watch this snappy mover..there's going to be havoc in the trenches..I can tell. Or I could be wrong it could be a lucky fluke. My Kiss of Death is infamous.
* The quick what you need to know (Penguin Law)..the scoring works on a team average just like the Challenge. Just play, have fun and go biff the opposition...unless you're an Invincible. Demoted Invincibles can play if they fancy another title...if they dare take on the Titans.*
The Moguls
Yesterdays cleverest Sci-Tech Mogul was miffy42#3 UK
There's a spooky pattern forming here...I've just felt a shiver down my spine....that's 2 In A Row for miffy too. Now come on...just cause the others are doing it....it's not compulsory you know.
So a fine start from our new Mogul Maximus...brave little critter..for this is where the USA have lately had undisputed rule. Can General miffy marshal his troops and lead them to glory? It's a fine army...but the USA is flipping good at this event and are like dust devils.
My fave Mogul was Anton...already bagged a PB...is in the top 10. But as we all know...and you have the bruises to prove it....it's tough clinging to your spot uptop without superglue adhesion.
The Last Human Standing
Yesterday's toughest at top of the people heap was miffy42#3 UK
Heh..heh...I mean the subject was people aswell as a heap of you...if you get my drift. Sorry....
miffy won this one aswell....which is not new or surprising but can he keep it up.. This quiz is going to be the toughest ever...it's enough to make a pacifist penguin have nightmares and call the UN in to adjudicate...except I have a wicked streak, so shan't..
My fave hero was Quiz Beagle...a non-human but man's best friend so qualifes....and I'm always impartially on the animals side.
*The Quick What You Need To Know...There's one or two diffrences to this as it's a knockout quiz.
*How Do You Know You've Been Knocked Out..and can no longer play? .Yay..pengy gets to take you prisoner if I can catch you at the bottom of the table. I will tell my victims when they are out for this month. Should you accidentally play, as your final score will have been calculated..you will earn no more points ...and I'll smack you with a kipper and drag you back to the stockade.
Anyone starting to play after the first knockout will likewise score no points.
Elimination takes place after...
7 days play = you earn 5 points for everyday you've played
14 days play = 10 pts for every day you've played
21 days play = 15 pts for everyday you've played
28 days play = 20 pts for everyday you've played.
Please Note: After each knockout stage the surviving players start again from scratch..a level playing field..they DO NOT start with any handicap or advantage won from the previous round. Penguin Law says Equality For All Humans
I will post a link to a table so you can see your own score at any given time.
Hope I explained that OK
Now where's the corkscrew?
NOW....The bit I love doing every month..if a tad delayed.
Whey hey...a roll of the drums please for our new champs to take their thrones.
Congratulations are in order...and we can all bow as the thrones creak under the new derrieres.
midgetmark....I do solemnly bestow the Challenge Champ crown on your cranium.
miffy42 ...I do solemnly plonk the Mogul Maximus crown on your noggin.
Two new empty thrones come next....but not for long.
And there are Individual Awards to cheer about....and I'm cheering the loudest.
Which demon players managed to snatch 3 Wins In A Row?
This is official...midgetmark achieved it three times on the Challenge.
Tis true...I have it in hieroglyophics in my mitt. First on the 6th, then the 17th and then the 24th...and the 17th was a whopping 5 In A Row..and then someone tackled him from behind and brought him down. Come on, own up...who was it?
Another great competitor snatched 5 In A Row aswell, on the Mogul. I speak of jules44...right at the close of ferocious play....(and kicked off her throne..
temporarily I'm sure).
Now shudder when you read this next bit....
Fastest Finger record was smashed by midgetmark on the 9th and uncannily was set at 9 seconds. That will never be beat..not even by midget I'm sure.
So who managed to romp home first most times and battle through the opposition?
Our Challenge Daily Dervish was M...yes, him again. The possessed one.
midgetmark with 16 wins.
Our Mogul Daily Dervish was a tie between miffy42 and jules44 with 7 wins each. Hah..a gordian knot...but I'm not allowd to keep knives...so Penguin Law resolves this one. Who beat most players over all the days they won? jules44 totted upto 319 players...miffy totalled 351.
It's miffy snatches the title then..
And so I get to the MOPS...my absaloute faves...those fabulous players who've trained hard, played hard and improved their ranking.....who can hold their heads up high with pride and say...yay...I'm darn good and did my team proud....and have just made themselves a target.
Please ..a round of applause for our new TOP MOP..as he takes his crown..and I'll try not to crossthread it as I bestow it on your noddle.
ryanknight USA..well done for romping up 57 ranks!
And double celebrations for becoming an Invincible aswell in the process. I think maybe only mos623 has ever before achieved both honours together.
I am humbled..and envious.,,it's nice on Olympus.
Here are our new Top 10 Mops....watch them for they are cunning and crafty and are becoming a threat to the status quo.
1. ryanknight USA up 57
2. chipownz USA up 48
3. FANS UK up 47
4. Kick UK up 36
5. solan_goose UK up 35
6. notae UK up 35
7. midgetmark UK up 30
8. purelyqing UK up 26
9. Stuhern UK up 23
10. OldSpotPig UK up 23
And a cheer for all of you who attained higher rankings...be chuffed...have a penguin hug and can somone open the champagne?
6strings_uk UK up 4
adumbledore40 USA up 2
BB1 USA up 1
Bocefish USA up 6
Deborah USA up 2
donamaria USA up 9
finstockian UK up 5
Georgia USA up 9
glitterfairy UK up 17
greenwitch UK up 1
LanaDale USA up 7
lg549 UK held position
lynn-ann UK up 8
magijoh1 UK held position
miffy42 UK up 15
milamtexan USA up 3
Mutski USA up 7
onebraincellUK UK up 12
paper_aeroplane UK
poolosopher USA up 18
Qmel USA up 5
Quiz_Beagle UK up 4
salami_swami USA up 22
scubascott USA up 15
shadowzep USA up 8
sparklingwine UK up 3
strnog1 USA held position
Wetherby_Pond UK up 10
If your name isn't listed...here have a glass of champers and a pat on the shoulder anyway. Either you don't play the Challenge or haven't played long enough...or...you got trampled and lost ground. But take heart..this is a new month with all the acclaim and fame up for grabs again!
And pengy is on your side!
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