Whew..I'm back. Sorry everyone.
Big apologies from a little pengy...

Union Jack flying from the mast!
Hoisted by miffy42#3 UK
1. miffy42#3 UK...threw his little bod across the finishing line
2. Seurat#7 UK...and another little hot bod at 19 seconds too..
3. ryaman#9 USA...and yet another. Wow..how close was that!
4. Kick UK...and charging up behind and beating back the foe
5. mike32768#5 USA...ah, kick was too fast for you
3/2 for the UK. And the first 3 were neck and neck..except miffy must have a longer neck. Yay...miffy romped in first by a whisker. My fave player was
OldSpotPig who streaked in 6th. Well done...it was tough work yesterday... and I had to cheer aswell for wakazawaka for matching his PB. Bet you all know that moment when you think you've cracked it...then aw...find it's not so.
There was a few last minute duels on the go...
magijoh1 skidded on an obstruction on the course (a banana skin, I think) and julieanne123 got away.
Anton failed to extinguish flicker123...but..oh heck keep running flicker123 Marsalinator is going to tackle you next. Gee these americans just don't let up do they?
wakazawaka, playing fiercesomely at the moment biffed adumbledore40 and is stalking poolosopher now....this could get tricky with OldSpotPig and TAR fan charging up behind engaged in their own feud. I predict bandages and splints could be needed at the ready.
Georgia was the one I was anxious about... Dr Gas knocked her out and burnsbaron has romped off looking for fresh american victims. Ah..next in line is twosleepy...mm..could turn out to be prophetic with Dr Gas lurking.
drainman went down...but there's a USA blockage ahead led by cat_brat63...
Alien8...salami_swami...donamaria...and hilltopper67 ...but will MarchHare007 UK manage to find a way through.
This is the most congested and closely packed fistifight on the go. If anyone stumbles they'll be flattened in a flood of biblical proportions. Yep, reckon this is the most dangerous place to be.
The Titans

Top 5 allegiances...Surrealist USA...j2cp2 USA...Anton USA...Little Heaven UK...Marsalinator USA
4/1 for the USA. Oh...that is seriously good. The americans are running roughshod here you know...cheeky imps. Yes, but the UK diehards are fighting tooth and nail and refuse to surrender.
Remains to be seen who will be trotting into the gladitorial arena next month..but the UK could get busy enlisting now. One of my faves yesterday was just one such...greyhunter..yes...slide shadowlike onto the course. There's one recruit. My other fave was Anton...and I'm watching you! You're starting to get very very good....who incidentally is another USA threat in the making.
Me, I'm sitting here nibbling my flippers wondering who will win. It isn't decided...no way. Will it be Qmel...(minus a cheerleaders outfit)...will it be Surrealist ..(been a fab newcomer and, heck, he's earned my admiration and awe)...or j2cp2 ( a fearsome ex-Invincible).
I'm going to whisper this next bit to the UK team...Guess what? Unless something drastic happens none of them will be Titans next month. They'll become Invincibles. Did you smile then and give a huge sigh of relief?
The Moguls
Yesterdays most cunning, foxy animal mogul was miffy42#3 UK
Congrats to 2 Wins In A Row miffy....but can you make it 3? My fave player was blackprinceuk. Aw...got 10 right..got nobbled by the time limit. And that is painful when this months battle is so closely fought. UK are winning...UK are managing to hold back the american army...so far.
But has anyone seen cat brat? Is she Okay or have I missed something and she's on her hols?
The Last Human Standing
Yesterdays steel sheathed winner was paper aeroplane UK

After 1 day of the 3 death defying duels paper aeroplane is in the strongest position now...but...14 toughies only have 20 points splitting them all.
This one is still wide open..up for grabs and dare I say ,and brag with fond pride whilst I wipe a sentimental tear from my eye, filled with the toughest players on the whole of Fun Trivia. I'm proud of my survivors, all of you. Any army would be proud to have you on their side.
40 incredibly brave players had a go...only 14 are now left of able body and sound mind.
Countdown ...2 more days play...or is that 1?
Tomorrow is Armageddon.
P.S. Piranha and me, moi, pengy have had NATO like conference over a plate of smoked kippers and shandy. Next months quiz will have the expected K.O. rounds....but...as Armageddon draws nigh then the survivors will be culled, mercilessly, unrelentingly...everyday until there is only 1 of you left standing! Is that nasty or nice! Whey hey! I'll fill you in on the dreadful details at the start of next months big showdown.
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