Union Jack
Hoisted by miffy42#3
1. miffy42#3 UK...come on miffy...go grab 3 wins in a row!
2. Eebs#6 USA...hah...romping up the rankings
3. Surrealist USA...with the new american dynamo in tow
4. jules44#2 UK...my jules...things she's dead good
5. Seurat#7 UK...Ooeer...a last surge...
3/2 for the UK & Co who I must say have charged since the middle of the month. With today the duels will be done again...and we will have a winner (and a sad loser) and have to grit your teeth, gird your loins and get running again.
My fave player was Surrealist...what a fab little soldier..... destined to be an Invincble. No messing about there then and unless WorldB can overtake will be the USA #1.
A remarkable achievment which matches our human Missile mos623...and no one else. Cor....what a thought. Whey hey ...can miffy and jules continue to contain this rampaging american hero?
flicker123 is valiantly holding Marsalinator at bay..no easy task..so good work there flicker
wakazawaka couldn't catch poolosopher who skipped out of danger..but not to be denied his prey he's after TAR fan...even now, wow...that's dedication for you.
Just have to mention twosleepy...has outrun Dr Gas and is targeting solan goose. And that awful blockage? Well done to donamaria for coming out tops on that one.
That's what I love about you humans...it ain't over till it's over.
The Titans
Yesterdays winner was sparklingwine UK
Top 5 allegiances were sparklingwine UK...Surrealist USA...Little Heaven UK ...purelyqing UK...Anton USA
3/2 for the UK...oh yes,the UK are really coming back now. Sparklingwine led the hot squad to victory and I reckon the USA could be in for a fiercer battle next month.
Now this is gritty...even now..when players have stitch and grazed muddy knees and their legs are two inches shorter from hard running...the first Titanasaurus Rex is unresolved. Surrealist will become an anointed Invincible tomorrow..so can't be a Titan..so has to win NOW or go away with head hanging low. Either Qmel or shadowzep might join him. Don't worry...pengy, moi, will post whether you can play or not. Today get busy thrashing out who will get the crown here!
The Mogul
Yesterdays top sci-tech mogul was miffy42#3 UK
Hoisted by miffy42#3
1. miffy42#3 UK...come on miffy...go grab 3 wins in a row!
2. Eebs#6 USA...hah...romping up the rankings
3. Surrealist USA...with the new american dynamo in tow
4. jules44#2 UK...my jules...things she's dead good
5. Seurat#7 UK...Ooeer...a last surge...
3/2 for the UK & Co who I must say have charged since the middle of the month. With today the duels will be done again...and we will have a winner (and a sad loser) and have to grit your teeth, gird your loins and get running again.
My fave player was Surrealist...what a fab little soldier..... destined to be an Invincble. No messing about there then and unless WorldB can overtake will be the USA #1.
A remarkable achievment which matches our human Missile mos623...and no one else. Cor....what a thought. Whey hey ...can miffy and jules continue to contain this rampaging american hero?
flicker123 is valiantly holding Marsalinator at bay..no easy task..so good work there flicker
wakazawaka couldn't catch poolosopher who skipped out of danger..but not to be denied his prey he's after TAR fan...even now, wow...that's dedication for you.
Just have to mention twosleepy...has outrun Dr Gas and is targeting solan goose. And that awful blockage? Well done to donamaria for coming out tops on that one.
That's what I love about you humans...it ain't over till it's over.
The Titans

Top 5 allegiances were sparklingwine UK...Surrealist USA...Little Heaven UK ...purelyqing UK...Anton USA
3/2 for the UK...oh yes,the UK are really coming back now. Sparklingwine led the hot squad to victory and I reckon the USA could be in for a fiercer battle next month.
Now this is gritty...even now..when players have stitch and grazed muddy knees and their legs are two inches shorter from hard running...the first Titanasaurus Rex is unresolved. Surrealist will become an anointed Invincible tomorrow..so can't be a Titan..so has to win NOW or go away with head hanging low. Either Qmel or shadowzep might join him. Don't worry...pengy, moi, will post whether you can play or not. Today get busy thrashing out who will get the crown here!
The Mogul
Yesterdays top sci-tech mogul was miffy42#3 UK
Two wins for miffy..I mean winning two of the quizzes! 3 wins miffy. I mean 3 days in a row on the mogul.
You might have noticed I haven't told you the score for a day or two. That's because I'm loveably perverse and know how to drain the last drop of genuis out of you clever folk. You're all fighting your best..and well, that's great stuff. Mogul HQ is abuzz with excitment , the UK was winning...the USA were galloping up behind ...and this little pengy is having a ball and doesn't know which way to turn his scrawny neck ...because
The Last Human Standing
Yesterdays steel sheathed winner was BB1#1 USA

With 5 UK and 9 USA in the showdown this is USA domination time..again. Uncle Sam will be proud of you....
But...Paper_aeroplane and Quiz Beagle...cor, is this Snoopy the Red Baron, sorry, I do wander off don't I but it just conjured an the image in my miniscule mind. Yeh, right, these are the 2 toughest UK troops and they're taking on WorldB and j2cp2 USA. But there's a horde behind who could snatch a win today and grab victory.
Which jogs my memory to mention here that aswell as the cruel/more challenging little changes for next month (and boy are they cruel)....I'm changing the name.
Isn't it a long wordy mouthful (and discrimminates against animals, heh heh ) and you were all too polite to say. Last Human Standing is becoming
The UK Versus USA Survivor
And tomorrow we crown the first winner... I'm getting the crown engraved this minute with ...Sole Survivor
Hope you like it. ...can't have you thinking you've gone to the wrong quizz!
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