Union Jack..it's glued up there you know
Hoisted by...the Magnificent M...I will whisper his devilish name
1. midgetmark UK 3 In A Row! Someone stop him!
2. jules44#1 UK Oooerrr...tied..almost did it.
3. Eebs#2 USA and scorchmarks sizzled the battlfield
4. paper aeroplane UK hah...winged a way in...
5. Squisher#5 UK Who's playing well then?
A 4/3 result for the UK & C0...and day before was also 4/3 for them too. Soon, do you think they'll have the americans on the run? Will the UK come storming back this month?
Midgetmark is back incase you hadn't noticed...yep...that's the little M who's just nabbed 3 Wins In A Row. Will he manage to beat his own record of 6 In A Row..set in April? I think not..not now when there's so many snappy players hellbent on prising him off that flagpole.
My fave Challenge player was ...have to say he had me excitedly clapping my flippers...was solan goose. Snatched a fab PB and battled his way into the top 10 finishers. And that ain't easy here.
You know...daren't leave you guys for a day. Did yesterday..midget rocketed past..tipped my ice floe and I fell off. But I'm back...a bit soggy and a bit fishy but thanks for asking after me catbrat63 and Qmel.
Anymore casualties for the sickbay in my absence?
You bet.
That big messy bunfight between donamaria , twosleepy and Bocefish ...Pix and cheeky newcomer Mutski ...oh, you don't remember it? Well it's getting darn sticky. Kick was about to jump in. And OldSpotPig had to save her bacon.
You're with me now?
Well...it's official...Mutski is dangerous...very dangerous. Flattened the enemy and romped off up the table...OldSpotPig has vanished...oh dear... hope catbrats next treat isn't anything porky or comes in rashers. Pix suffered the same obscure Fate. Bocefish got skewered....donamaria survived , well done, and is defending her trench...
two sleepy scampered off to tackle onebraincellUk and purelyqing. Then I discovered kick was missing...my beak quivered sadly...had to engage the heat seeking detectors ...oh relief, I found him high up in a lofty 26th...short of breath...offered him The Kiss of Life or a brown paper bag..Kick please dispose of that litter thoughtfully after...don't want dangerous obstacles on the battlefield.
And the Mogul?
Yesterdays top People Mogul was M....miffy42#6 UK
But I'm dying to tell you that there's been a Leadership change...yes..again.
This is turning into a right battle Royal between jules44 and strnog1...perhaps who has most allies will help swing it?
Well there are a fair few of you who've already managed to bag 60 bonus goodies for your team. Now I'm only a penguin of modest intelligence but I think that's pretty good going...60 points in 6 days. I highlighted you all on the list to show my undying admiration.
My fave Mogul was milamtexan...snatched bonuses and got onto that goodie table to bolster the USA lead....or keep it stable..or prevented the UK closing the gap. Yes...it's true...the USA are leading by 50 points. ...but take heart UK & Co..you've got a lassoo about their neck. Cor...d'you think you can tame them?
I've watchd westerns you know...rather you than me is all I'm going to say. My big beak is shut.
Right...onto pleasanter subjects. What's todays gastronomic delight.
It's.....sauerkraut!....Isn't that....sausages!
OldSpotPig..where are you!
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