Union Jack..
Hoisted by jules44#1
1. jules44#1 UK Go girl go...defend that crown!
2. WorldB#1 USA Highest climber too...
3. mike32768#4 USA One of the best bunfighters
4. Strnog#5 USA Hmn...a trio of bounty hunters
5. Little Heaven#4 UK Hello there...new into the top 25!
3/2 for the american army. First it swings one way...then it swings the other. In a few days I'll have a peek see who's snatchd the lead. I confess this month I'm clueless, both teams are putting in such fab scores. My monies on the UK & Co..though I'll have you know I don't ever and have never condoned gambling.
My fave Challenge player(s) were datrivialist and adumbldore40.
Just have to mention them cos they're rising up the ranks and sneaking into those top scoring spots quite a few times now. Yeh...I've clocked you....no one hides from me. I've got you all electronically tagged...I wish.
Warning For....Eebs...careful there, there's a hound on your heels.
Quiz Beagle to be more accurate...oh dear..Eebs doesn't play weekends does she? Then scamper past QB and be prepared for trouble tomorrow!
Squisher is after strnog1....cor...both Invincibles and ranked #5...so who'll trample who? Fair fight! fair fight!
magijoh1 is about to tackle ryaman....but...shadowzep is right behind.
j2cp2 is sneaking up on Stuhern....and then there's a whole horde closing in with gritty expressions on their faces.
Remember this is just for fun....ha...ha..
This ambush looks corking good fun then...between milamtexan USA...
notae UK...Bocefish USA ...tisonlyme321 UK ...finstockian UK ...
lynn-ann UK and glitterfairy UK.
Wonder if milamtexan and Bocefish are upto this kind of onslaught? Could be nasty. It's UK & Co on the rampage! Nothing in the rules about gang warfare....so I'll look the other way and despatch the medics.
And how goes the Mogul?
Yesterdays top History Mogul was midgetmark UK
Gee..doesn't he keep popping up. No one's thought of kidnapping his mouse and holding it to ransom yet. And I noticed something..well actually shadowzep must take the credit...everyday has seen a different winner so far.
Tis true...and closely matched with 4 wins for the UK & Co and 3 for the USA.
7th June midgetmark UK (43 plys) History Mogul
6th June miffy42#6 UK (48 plys) People Mogul
5th June Eebs#2 USA (44 plys) Music Mogul
4th June Stuhern UK (50 plys) Sci-Tech Mogul
3rd June jules44#1 UK (48 plys) Animal Mogul
2nd June WorldB#1 USA (48 plys) Geography Mogul
1st June strnog1#5 USA (46 plys) Movie Mogul
6th June miffy42#6 UK (48 plys) People Mogul
5th June Eebs#2 USA (44 plys) Music Mogul
4th June Stuhern UK (50 plys) Sci-Tech Mogul
3rd June jules44#1 UK (48 plys) Animal Mogul
2nd June WorldB#1 USA (48 plys) Geography Mogul
1st June strnog1#5 USA (46 plys) Movie Mogul
Well done to you guys and gals for snatching glory...
My fave Mogul though...was...CRAZZYMAN...for notching up goodies. A real trooper is CRAZZY and I like him.
Tim to nip off now though and update that table...daren't leave it when it's so close!
PS: Anyone seen OldSpotPig? Gone missing...catbrat's treat is Canadian Bacon Pizza! Should we all be alarmed! Or turn vegetarian?
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