Union Jack
Hoisted by midgetmark
1. midgetmark UK 14 secs! But can you beat your own record of 10!
2. WorldB#1 USA Whey hey...here they come, galloping in
3. poolosopher USA A fab PB! Are you chuffed? Be smug!
4. strnog1#5 USA The reargaurd...laying tripwires too I bet
5. Seurat#3 UK You again? Oh well done.
3 out the top 5 for the americans again. But I have a premonition the UK & Co will win this month. Lost by the smallest margin last month...and now...the M's are back.
My fave Challenge player without a shadow of doubt was poolosopher. And that admirable 3rd place rocketed him up the Top 25 Toughies so fast I got windburn as he passed. Mind you...there were other daring troopers caught my admiring eye. I'm waving to salami swami...adumbldore40 and NEWSoUSA for some snappy footwork which got them into the top 20. All americans...hmn...aren't they playing well then.
Now this fisticuffs between donamaria , twosleepy and Bocefish ...Pix and cheeky newcomer Mutski is hotting up in to a mammoth affair. Watch this Mutski...he's fighting his way to the top of the heap...and donamaria has joined in and kick is getting dragged into the mayhem. Careful you don't get caught in the crossfire OldSpotPig. Keep them trotters trotting.
Arrrrrggggghhhh....from rank 49 and salami swami right through to rank 70 with finstockian there is mayhem...players fighting over adjacent trenches. Anything dire and dangerous could happen here and probably will. Contingency plans needed: ambulances on standby....ready to GO. This is one big scrap.
And the Mogul?
Yesterdays top Sci-Tech Mogul was Stuhern UK
Hooray! Three Cheers...but he was in shock...couldn't believe his time and hasn't been seen since? You Okay Stu? Would a penguin hug help revive you? Out of 4 days play that means 2 wins the USA and 2 for the UK & Co now. And my fave Mogul...you've guessed, could'nt be any other than Stuhern with a result like that.
Quick peek out onto the battlefield...and kick and flicker123 have formed a fighting partnership and have nabbed the lead in both quizzes.
Heh...heh...what a duo.
Great to hear that cat brat is back with the nibbles...so I'll toddle over and beg some.
PS. onebraincellUK asked me to say Hi to all of you she's spotted on the Global Challenge and wants to wish you all Good Luck...but will you let her win.
Handy links
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