Union Jack
Hoisted by miffy42#6
1. miffy42#6 UK That's the first one in the bag!
2. BB1#3 USA Could you threaten WorldB and Eebs?
3. midgetmark UK Gee... there's some toughies here hey?
4. mike32768#4 USA Must be numbr 4 is lucky for you
5. shadowzep USA Find it hard to believe you're not ranked
So it was 3/2 for the USA...but they havn't managed to get their Stars & Stripes flying from the mast yet. Me...I'm kinda glad...means it gets to stay as my bed throw. My fave Challenge player(s) are Marsalinator...was wondering where he was lurking. Came strolling home in 12th...and climbed effortlessly to 43rd in the leadaerboard. I'd like to sing the praises too of FANS and mutski...two new little troopers who I think are settling in pretty quick...yes, they could need watching....no sign of fear on their faces as they hotfooted it across the battlefield.
I was watching this scrap with bated breath...scubascott USA...flicker123 UK....purelyqing UK.....bernie73 USA ...lg549 UK ...and it dissolved into mayhem. Scubascott and lg549 skilfully jumped out of trouble without a scratch.
And the other bunfight?
Well...donamaria , twosleepy and Bocefish have joined forces and stand shoulder to shoulder fending off attack from Pix and ...watch out Pix..newcomer Mutski is joining in the lynchmob. Hey that's a bit quick...
shoemike USA ...went missing...I was a little worried until I found him trampled in a trench and resuscitatd him.
Marsalinator parachuted boldly into one skirmish...a right feisty struggle is brewing now between him and cat brat63, USA mascot and Georgia USA Versus Dr_Gas UK and onebraincellUK., the UK mascot. Oh dear...poor Dr Gas.
On the bright side OldSpotPig is trotting up behind at full speed. Careful around cat brat, porky friend, you might end up on the menu.
There are other fights...I'll keep you posted on them, the stretcher bearers are working around the clock.
So how goes the Mogul?
Yesterdays top Animal Mogul was jules44#1 UK
Well that's put an end to the american wins....but it hasn't slowed them down too much. They've taken the lead...by a measly 60 points...but they'll need catching before they sprint off over the Mogul horizon.
My fave Mogul was...cor did you know Marsalinator came 4th? it's not him...already mentioned him ....it was flicker123 for a fabulous PB and quickly bringing goodies to the bonus table. I must say it amazing how many of you are grabbing them!
And... the new Global Challenge has just started so I'd like to wish all of you who play it (brave/masochistic souls) the very best of luck.
OnebraincellUK is having another go...after bottling out of her first one with nerves, bruised ego...a case of the 'I am thick'....dejected doldrums. She's in training...so she can hammer midgetmark and miffy one day..well, I guess she can try.
Right...time for me to be referee. Hmn..the Mogul treats haven't arrived yet today. Hope cat brat63 is Okay...if anyone's interested I'll bring along a bucket of kippers.
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