Union Jack
Hoisted by jules44#1
1. jules44#1 UK...Didn't let them past this time!
2. shadowzep USA... head of the hunters...what a scrap!
3. WorldB#1 USA...yes..it was get jules...but met failiure
4. Eebs#2 USA...even you? But you all kept an M back.
5. miffy42#6 UK... and you stopped ryaman nipping in.
It was still 3/2 for the americans though...they're starting to pile in some pretty tough little fighters. They're already looking set to win the Mogul. Will the UK & Co manage to keep the hungry pack at bay...at arms length....and still snatch a win? Or will they end up face in the mud? I'm clueless...no idea whether to get the tissues monogrammed with an eagle or not. No point speculating it just keeps me lying awake at night itching to buy a crystal ball.
My fave Challenge player was ...well solan goose was eyecatching...coming along well...and then there was 6strings UK...back from R & R. He's garrotes the opposition ...or is that just a rumour?
We have a possee of americanos trail blazing up the table...hmn...wonder if team stuff will go out of the window in favour of personal glory. Will ryanknight and strnog1 set on each other? Will Eebs make a charge to tackle mike32768?
Sometimes wish I was a fly on the wall..not a penguin..at the risk of getting swatted.
So is anyone in dire danger of getting rugby scrummed from behind...friend or foe? Can be the same thing right now...
paper aeroplane...maggie is only 9 footsteps behind...a team mate, tis true. With squisher only 7 leaps behind her.
Quiz beagle and stuhern might be eyeing each other up...
Oh you poor guys and girls...go with your conscience ...heh...heh.
Anyone wellplaced to win a trench and grab points off the enemy?
ryaman could have a late encounter with Little_Heaven and magijoh1. Two fine UK & Co warriors.
Will sparklingwine UK be able to catch j2cp2 and bernie73...USA
solan goose and scubascott could clash...there's a watery grave at the end of this one.
Is this stirring stern fighting stuff or is this stirring stern fighting stuff?
Dr Gas has two americans not far infront...kjc and argentum..but can he get a knockout? Are his grenades filled with ether?
Bocefish is after onebraincelluk ...shoemike and FANS are getting uncomfortably close...with...NEWSoUSA...tisonlyme321 and Alien8 having a running battle right behind.
Can't bear to look...clamp flippers over eyes and peek out.
Deep breaths.....ah that's better. Whew.
And the Mogul?
Yesterdays smartest People Mogul was jules44#1 UK
And that's 3 wins in the bag! That's another entry in the Hall of Flame for you , you cheeky bright thing. Is managing to shave down miffy's lead but..aw..I fear this task is too great...even for jules. Time is too short..but then again they'll be another harder, tougher crown to win next time around. Yay, I speak (reverently and timorously with hushed breath) of the Last Human Standing which starts next week.
My fave Mogul was a furry critter...MarchHare007. Is good as nabbing those oh so valuable goodies. Looking forward to see this clever beastie high up the table given a full months play.
And how are the friendly bouts between the new Titans coming along?
Qmel led the american team to victory yesterday...
and isn't she starting to look a threat! A future Titanasaurus Rex there I reckon unless anyone can stop her.
The Last Man Standing in the warm up fisticuffs was jules44.
A few of you troopers are getting repeat questions during the practice sessions. Enjoy it while it lasts...come next tuesday the fighting will begin in earnest with various subjects...getting progresively harder...with moi running behind, trying to catch you and whisk you away to the stockade.
I've splashed out some body armour but don't be fooled by my gormless expression...that's just camouflage to lull you into a false sense of security because I'm sneaky.

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