September Team Tournament: How Goes It?

Er guys....results are back from penguin headquarters if you're interested.
Oh dear.
It's not quite neck and neck. It's more clear by a head....well a nose at least. But it ain't over till it's over.

America Is Leading So Far
On the pie system USA have 51.3% of the pie. (75 players)
UK have 48.7 % of the pie. (77 players)
USA have swiped a lead of 2.6 %

Is it true? Are the Americans smarter? Luckier? UK you have two weeks to ambush em'....
And the hottest part of the table is from position 50 and onwards. A load of scrummaging here means anything could happen before Judgement Day. And some players make a VIP appearance and vanish leaving their posts undefended....I ask you? That's ripe for theft! If you' re hungry and report for battle everyday there's some easy pickings to be had....just hang on in and fill those deserters boots.

A word about Pix. I still don't know his/her allegiance so I left out any points. There..take that as a reprimand.....that should make you declare yourself. If a rogue UK player...would it have helped?

Now the UK are capable of reeling the USA in. Happened last month but still just got beat at the finishing post. Can the UK do it? A rough guesstimate is that if every UK troop can nobble the yank ahead of them...that ought to do it...but could still be close. Goes without saying that Mink does'nt have to. All you Americans have to do is dig your heels in, hunker down in your trenches and stay put.

Cor....this is going to be a toughie! This showdown is going to be worth selling tickets for! I just knew when I started this tournament that it was going to be great fun....full of fighting spirit.
Am I right or am I right?

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