15th September Shout Box

It's Still The Union Jack

Mink Dodged and Weaved and Flew Into 1st

It was a UK Double too!

1. Mink#5 UK. Oh yes...my flippers are still sore from clapping.
2. MaggieG#4 UK. A 1...2.. from 2 of the UK's best.
3. tihata#7 USA. Definitely a new American threat. Always snapping at someone's heels.
4. j2cp2 USA. And a new talent who has really stood out this month.
5. magijoh1#10 UK. Mmm...the UK definitley have a thing for M.
You know Mink does'nt like not winning. Nope. Mink is leading the tournament...has done pretty much from the start and Mink is bang on target for nabbing most wins this month too.

Mink of No-Messing Fame!

Did anyone join up?
Yes. I'd like to offer a Warm Welcome to JCSon1982 for enlisting on the USA side. And the same..Warm Hello to Karen1203....another Commonwealth friend for the UK. I like that...a comradely spirit.

It's been a funny week what with FT gremlins and blockades preventing new recruits but things are settling down some now. You have to admit it added a certain piquancy to the goings on.

I've just peeked over the parapet...oh...what's going on...need my telescope...I can just make out Mink and...oh dear....a trail of scorch marks where mos623 has singed past.
I'd love to chat but I'm keen to bob off and tot up which team is leading so far this month. About time too.Need to find out which side has to go up a gear.

I'll post my findings later today.....get the crates of beer ready....(but a nice cappucino will do me.)

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