Battleground Beagle in Wellies!

(Polaris warned me to beware of trench paw...)
Well, it's obvious that Piranha is keen on the roast beef of Olde England and The Commonwealth. He swallowed 5 UK &Co., with just a smidgin of fast food with 2 US.
The mighty Jules44 leads the Titans, followed by Doc, briarwoodrose, MarchHare007 and skipperdedoo - all UK & Co. Twosleepy has woken up and joined last week's lone US Titan Klahrace in the top ten. Helmar, Laura McC and Polaris complete the top 10, although that naughty little Clamking is doing their best to confuse us. Are all shellfish naughties?
Jules has now managed to put some blue water between themself and Mike32768, who is ably backed up by Deborah. Briarwoodrose and miffy42 are close behind, with mos623 trying to join their colleagues. Don't look round, mos! Magijoh, markswood, lg549 and Maggie are coming up behind!
US v UK Challenge:
Jules is in the lead - perhaps I ought to get a stamp made up to say that? Miffy stands ready to back-up. A solid phalanx (see - Real Military Terminology) of the US is right behind you two though - mos, Deborah, WorldB, strnog1 and Mike. Maggie, lg549 and markswood - Your Country Needs You! {Beagle strikes Kitcheneresque pose - difficult in Wellies...}


Penguin said...

I'm impressed QB...this is good stuff to read and makes me chuckle.

you've reinforced my private theory that doggies have hidden talents and are clever beasties

Quiz_Beagle said...

Thanj you Pengy - just following in the flippers of The Master! ;-)

Quiz_Beagle said...

Thank you, even - paw trouble...

Anonymous said...

is that two pairs or 1 pair of wellies QB good reporting but where are the pics


Anonymous said...

there in scotland
good work QB

Anonymous said...

now remember QB no smoking in the trenches lol


Quiz_Beagle said...

I *think* I'm allowed to smoke - as long as I don't light three on one match..,(Hey, I'm a Beagle..)