Hello my human friends ... brave patriotic troopers.
I'm afraid this isn't my usual blog....and please accept my apologies for not putting flipper to keyboard too regularly of late.
Sadly... I don't have as much time as I used to....and unfortunately the gripping, referee commentary has suffered. I hope this hasn't detracted from your enjoyment of warring with each other. I have, and still do find it trememdous fun.
However, with this in mind....I feel that it is time perhaps for everyone to lay down their arms.
Pengy is calling an armistice....which will come into effect at the end of this months play when I will declare a ceasefire.
August will be the final month of play across all four battlefields.
and then all the quizzes will be closed down.
Since this war began in June 2007
505 great sporting troopers have enlisted to play the Challenge.
203 nimble footed troopers have wriggled under the Mogul guillotine.
86 daring Titans have fought.
98 of the very bravest Survivors have try to avoid capture in the Danger Zone and avoid Piranha's snapping jaws.
I have chatted and made friends with Americans, English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Canadians, New Zealanders and Australians..some even in the cunning disguises of cats and aliens and dogs (don't laugh..animals are clever too you know..look at Mr Ed) though it's true it would ordinarily create a raised eyebrow from any vigilant recruitment officer.
Then again..not every quiz has a pengy referee in a tuxedo with a grenade belt crammed with kippers.
I applaud you all for your high standard of play....anyone who dares play here has shown a real love of quiz playing (let's face it it's flipping hard to win and you don't report everyday for the good of your ego!)
All of you have a tremendous sense of comraderie which has kept it such fun for everyone. I think you're all fantastic...admire you (you're far cleverer than me) ..and thank you.
Right..less of the sentimental stuff...this doesn't mean you can slink off the battlefields and go AWOL...
Let's make this last month the best ever!
Everyone snap to attention....Did you know?
From July 2007 to June 2008 the USA won 6 months. UK & Co won 6 months.
From July 2008 to June 2009 the USA won 6 months. UK & Co won 5 months. There was one draw.
July 2009...the UK & Co won. Can you see where the pengy thought processes are going with this? You've worked it out haven't you! Borrow my abacus if you haven't.
That's an overall total of 12 wins for the USA. 12 wins for the UK & Co. (and the draw of course).
So on this last month....there's national honour to gain...or lose...either army could be remembered through the ages as the Conquerors.
Every single UK & Co or USA hero and heroine will live on forever in this blog. Worthy fighters..all of you
I would like thank you all once again for joining in.....but would like to make especial thanks to
catbrat63 and Qmel for their daily stint at providing the catering.
Quiz Beagle, martin cube, dippo , lg549, StuHern ..mike32768 and oh too many to mention who have made us laugh with their chat in the itty bitty little box.
Poolosopher, for though he didn't know it he gave me the idea for all this.
And finally, Piranha (who gets a special hug)...who kindly took on the work of sorting out the mechanics (horrible technical stuff) so all the number crunching was done for me. Grateful thanks to you fishy meat eater.
Love to you all from Pengy...over and out!
Wishing you All...
Good Health, Wealth & Happiness
I'm quite sad about this. :(
[ 6:03 AM ]: Stuhern: Waah! This can 't be the last month!
[ 8:18 AM ]: dippo: Would it be possible for someone else to take over?
[ 8:19 AM ]: dippo: I know we could never replace Pengy, but is it worth
[ 8:19 AM ]: dippo: thinking about?
I nicked these from the itty bitty box on the Challenge quiz.
I didn't nick this..this is moi!
I'm rather fond of these quizzes myself, Stu and dippo. They're great fun.
In a nutshell.
It's the daily Blog that I'm finding impossible to do just now..and for the foreseeable future.
Afterall it hasn't been daily for a long while now ..
I'm nibbling my flippers here...
If you don't mind not having that I'm able to carry on with hoisting the flags and announcing winners.
At this point.. I could throw open to the blog to anyone who might like to make the odd post on it and chat about the quizzes or anything they might think would be funny or interesting...
Just a thought.
Yes, keep the quizzes going even without the blog! Fine to open the blog too.
I would like to see the quizzes continue, with or without the blog.
Would it be possible to find someone else to take over the blog? Would that mean that they ought to give up playing, to preserve their impartiality, or does Pengy play under an alias?
Not that I don't love the "daily" blog - I still get a buzz from a mention in dispatches - but apart the quiz can survive without them providing there's a monthly round-up to say who won. Without the monthly results, I think the quizzes would lose a lot of their appeal.
Perhaps, if you'd finding that impossible to commit to too, then someone else would be able to pick up the baton - or, even better, share responsibility with you. Piranha's mechanical stuff can be used by someone else, right?
if uk wins pengy must stay
It'll be awful if the Blog went. Can't somebody offer to take it up? I'd happily do the Blog, but am not technical enough to handle Piranha. Oh, and I'd still like to play. I'd be happy enough to do the Blog under an alias...
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