Stars & Stripes
Hoisted by mos623#1
Top 5 allegiances 1. mos623#1 USA .. 2. jules44#1 UK ... 3. Maggie#3 UK .. 4. miffy42#2 UK ... 5. Deborah#3 USA
3/2 for the UK & Co...but oh I say...mos is chasing hard after jules this month. This could be a major upset if he manages to nab her crown. Hmmm...I reckon it's stuck on her clever cranium by now...nothing short of decapitation to remove it.But please no blood...I'm squeamish.
We have more outstanding players...especially this little trooper. Pengy is waving at you! Yes..you! The only single player to have an unblemished service record this month....none, nien, zero, zilch answers wrong! Your name? Oh yes...
briarwoodrose#8 UK
Ten out ten correct for the last 12 days of battle.
This is worthy stuff...and deserving of a dog tag minted in gold!
There are more fantastic players to cheer over....
Our current MOP is Maggie UK .....and these are our best players so far who've grazed their knees, fought masochistically through the pain barrier and scrambled up the trenches under heavy enemy fire to improve their ranking...
Top MOPS so far..but this can change as the fighting gets fiercer
moomin UK up 27
argentum USA up 19
RosaRita USA up 18
LauraMcC UK up 16
Stuhern UK up 15
fat_woman9 USA up 15
donamaria USA up 11
skipperdeedoo UK up 11
thewuggins UK up 10
solan_goose UK up 9
milamtexan USA up 9
Oh moomin.....my little fab trooper....I said you were good didn't I!
Never have so many fought so hard ....three cheers for all these, also my friends
Alien8 USA up 7
astralspace USA holding rank
Blackdresss USA holding rank
blackprinceUK UK up 5
dcreasy USA up 2
dippo UK up 5
flicker123 UK up 1
helmar UK up 2
j2cp2 USA up 8
jacky UK up 1
jules44 UK holdng rank
kaykay USA up 4
lg549 UK up 6
Maggie UK up 2
magijoh1 UK up 2
MarchHare007 UK up 4
markswood UK up 2
mike32768 USA up 1
Mikeangel USA up 6
mos623 USA up 1
onebraincellUK UK holding rank
pc377 UK up 5
Qmel USA up 6
shadowzep USA up 3
steve-e UK up 5
Surrealist USA up 8
WorldB USA holding rank
yand UK up 5
And if you're not mentioned? Tact pengy tact! Time to zip my beak.
The Titans
Yesterdays top terrificus Titan was j2cp2
Top 5 allegiances 1. j2cp2 USA .. 2. solan _goose UK ... 3. StuHern Uk... 4. Helmar UK ... 5. Alien8 USA
3/2 for the Uk & Co..and my fave player was solan goose UK...romped home in the top 5 and snatched a personal best. Oops...I have another fave player
Only one player can still claim the distinction of a clean record...12 days battle and none wrong.
j2cp2 USA
And he's leading..and he has most wins..and he's never won the Titanasaurus Rex crown before! Hah! Need I say more. What do you think of that UK?
It's turning into trench warfare on this one with everyone hunkered down in their fox hole and refusing to be beaten.
And I can't not mention skipperdeedoo who snatched first on yesterdays eve
The Mogul
Yesterdays magnificent movie mogul was Quiz Beagle#5 UK
Hoisted by mos623#1
Top 5 allegiances 1. mos623#1 USA .. 2. jules44#1 UK ... 3. Maggie#3 UK .. 4. miffy42#2 UK ... 5. Deborah#3 USA
3/2 for the UK & Co...but oh I say...mos is chasing hard after jules this month. This could be a major upset if he manages to nab her crown. Hmmm...I reckon it's stuck on her clever cranium by now...nothing short of decapitation to remove it.But please no blood...I'm squeamish.
We have more outstanding players...especially this little trooper. Pengy is waving at you! Yes..you! The only single player to have an unblemished service record this month....none, nien, zero, zilch answers wrong! Your name? Oh yes...
briarwoodrose#8 UK
Ten out ten correct for the last 12 days of battle.
This is worthy stuff...and deserving of a dog tag minted in gold!
There are more fantastic players to cheer over....
Our current MOP is Maggie UK .....and these are our best players so far who've grazed their knees, fought masochistically through the pain barrier and scrambled up the trenches under heavy enemy fire to improve their ranking...
Top MOPS so far..but this can change as the fighting gets fiercer
moomin UK up 27
argentum USA up 19
RosaRita USA up 18
LauraMcC UK up 16
Stuhern UK up 15
fat_woman9 USA up 15
donamaria USA up 11
skipperdeedoo UK up 11
thewuggins UK up 10
solan_goose UK up 9
milamtexan USA up 9
Oh moomin.....my little fab trooper....I said you were good didn't I!
Never have so many fought so hard ....three cheers for all these, also my friends
Alien8 USA up 7
astralspace USA holding rank
Blackdresss USA holding rank
blackprinceUK UK up 5
dcreasy USA up 2
dippo UK up 5
flicker123 UK up 1
helmar UK up 2
j2cp2 USA up 8
jacky UK up 1
jules44 UK holdng rank
kaykay USA up 4
lg549 UK up 6
Maggie UK up 2
magijoh1 UK up 2
MarchHare007 UK up 4
markswood UK up 2
mike32768 USA up 1
Mikeangel USA up 6
mos623 USA up 1
onebraincellUK UK holding rank
pc377 UK up 5
Qmel USA up 6
shadowzep USA up 3
steve-e UK up 5
Surrealist USA up 8
WorldB USA holding rank
yand UK up 5
And if you're not mentioned? Tact pengy tact! Time to zip my beak.
The Titans

Top 5 allegiances 1. j2cp2 USA .. 2. solan _goose UK ... 3. StuHern Uk... 4. Helmar UK ... 5. Alien8 USA
3/2 for the Uk & Co..and my fave player was solan goose UK...romped home in the top 5 and snatched a personal best. Oops...I have another fave player
Only one player can still claim the distinction of a clean record...12 days battle and none wrong.
j2cp2 USA
And he's leading..and he has most wins..and he's never won the Titanasaurus Rex crown before! Hah! Need I say more. What do you think of that UK?
It's turning into trench warfare on this one with everyone hunkered down in their fox hole and refusing to be beaten.
And I can't not mention skipperdeedoo who snatched first on yesterdays eve

The Mogul

The puzzle pooch led the pack and what an elite pack it was. Only 8 moguls slithered in under the guillotine. Only 8. Crumbs...this is unbelievable...usually there is about 20 to 30.
pengy salutes the Elite Eight!
Quiz_Beagle UK ... scubascott USA...Qmel USA ...briarwoodrose UK
lg549 UK ....Johnny USA ...WorldB USA ...Dr_Gas UK
What a happy diplomatic coincidence too! Even a garrulous pengy can't cast aspertions and make a mess of this. 4 from each army.
The Survivor

Two wins in a row is a rarity on the toughest battlefield..Well done spiffy miffy!
There's manic scrabbling noises coming from the Pit.
A bit more than that actually...it's more like seismic activity. A calculated guess tells me this is because piranha's approach has been detected on my sonar.
ETA after play tomorrow.
Strange..by now a fair few captives have usually accepted their Fate and stopped trying to escape. I do not dub this cowardice..this is merely the acceptance of piranha's deadly superiority. But this time there is mad activity in the Pit...
I am impressed and must remark on the undaunted bravery of Alien8 USA ... shadowzep USA and skipperdeedoo UK. All trying their darndest to win freedom!
Go for it brave troopers! I'm on your side!
My beady eye has spotted a few of you who might feel safe...but you are tottering on the brink of extinction and slithering dangerously close to that Pit edge you know. Should there be a mass escape you could topple in.....
briarwoodrose UK ... martin_cube UK ... Surrealist#8 USA ...
briarwoodrose UK ... martin_cube UK ... Surrealist#8 USA ...
Helmar UK
Ah...and there's a new snack..Surrealist. A first time player.
Right..time for me to jog over and grease all the flagpoles...or even better..the feet of mos623 who's already climbing the Challenge flagpole and intent on another win. On the Titans...StuHern is in the lead....careful Stu...the Americans will pile in tonight to try to cut your feet out from under you. markswood is out front in the mogul....and StuHern (yes he comes in duplicate) is heading the Survivors. Me...I'm going to monitor developments in the Pit whilst slurping borscht (courtesy of Qmel).
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