Union Jack
Hoisted by jules44#1
Top 5 allegiances 1. jules44#1 UK .. 2. miffy42#2 UK .. 3. mike32768#5 USA .. 4. Deborah#3 USA ... 5. ryaman#6 USA
3/3 for the USA...but look! The top two UK generals gained command of the flag pole! And listen! This valiant effort meant that jules44 snatched the lead back from mos623...but for how long? I say Uk & Co..is it worth sending out an assassin do you think to deal with this troublesome foe?
But there's fighting everywhere..across all the trenches....and the field is littered with spent ammo (stale scraps from the mogul)
Well...miffy42 stomped all over Surrealist...good work...and he's run to defend jules back. Even better teamwork.
And ryaman USA has beat Stu UK....had to go searching for Stu with my
medi-kit nervously grasped in my flipper.
Deborah USA beat markswood UK..Hmm that's 2/1 for the red devils so far.
Qmel beat steve-e...but...yikes! You might have to sprint faster Qmel...martin cube and lg549 are hot in pursuit after revenge. Smack a UK player and the whole horde come storming in retaliation you know...3/1 for the USA
lg549 UK trod all over poolosopher USA...3/2 for the USA
That's it..keep coming UK & Co! Don't let them cheeky rebels get the better of you (again)
Aw...poor moomin UK....got hammered by scubascott USA and shadowzep USA....lie still on that stretcher I flung you on. You recover for a minute.
4/2 for the USA
Remember milamtexan was surrounded..ready to bite the dust? Well...pengy is agog with admiration.. argentum has courageously managed to break through enemy lines and come to his aid. This heroic feat makes argentum my fave player...we now have a standoff between argentum and milamtexan USA versus helmar and polaris for the UK.
As things stand this means the USA won the most accolade for the duels....
We're at that time when Pengy, moi,...sneakily infiltrates HQ to get a gander at the stats. Who's winning so far?
The Uk & Co took all the glory and won the Challenge in June. Can they do it again? A word of advice....crumbs UK....that red tide of death aka the USA army are running roughshod! They're storming off into the lead..and crucifying you quite magnificently too. Don't know how you're going to catch them...so far they have 57% of the pumpkin pie! UK..you only have 43%.
This is awful...I am shocked. I will hang my beak in sympathetic commiseration and try not to tut too loudly.
Any UK volunteers up for a Forlorn Hope?
Into the breach!
Forgive my excitement...I'm curently devouring all things readable and scrollable about the Napoeonic Wars.
On to the next battlefield....
The Titans

Top 5 allegiances 1. StuHern UK .. 2. Qmel USA .. 3. j2cp2 USA ...
4. steve-e Uk ... 5. dippo Uk
Better Uk...a 3/2 win for the Uk & Co..and it's 2 wins in a row for Stu. Right...so it's Stu leading the Forlorn Hope here then..right? Every other UK trooper stand firm...behind Stu. And USA troops...just aim for his shako.
But..I'm getting carried away, as I am prone to do. So, less unbridled excitement and more hard stats.
So far..USA have 52% of the musket
UK & Co have..oh this isn't so bad...48% ..that must be the firing pin.
With only 8 USA troopers and 18 UK & Co this a gauranteed war of attrition...and pengy has to say...I admire the Americans spirit!
Just about every single USA player is surrounded..cut off ...facing a deadly foe...and a few have already fled the field. Don't blame them either.
The trooper is most immediate danger is....Qmel...with StuHern stalking only one footstep behind.
Now..twosleepy has found a safer trench and is defending it well....but shadowzep and Alien8..ah well...it was nice knowing you. Don't worry..pengy will scour the battlefield and pick you up after the blue tide has rolled by.
Think of it as a noble sacrifice for the USA... afterall you're leading both battles so far.
The Mogul

Right..this is the UK's territory. Can they claw back some ground....offset the damage ?
This is getting like seige warfare.Good innit. I skulked outside the two armies arsenals and peeped in...and the USA have 1160 bonus goodies stashed in theirs. Hey..that's good..that's not a niggaredly amount for so early in the month. But...wait for it...the Uk & Co have stockpiled an impressive 1330. Or put another way...46.5% of the tea bags floating in Boston Harbour belong to the reds....and 53.5% to the dominating UK & Co.
The Survivor

This is wonderful news! Hip hip hooray! I've always liked Johnny..and my eyes have gone a little moist with emotion.
And he's right up there..safe at the top...well clear of my Pit. As is mos623 and j2cp2....
Do you know little humans....my incisive radar-like knack for detecting future winners tells me soon...or soonish..mos623 is going to be mounting the throne here.
But right now....oh dear...I'm sorry to chuckle but...the UK & Co look set to do it again! With 56.5% of the prize kippers so far..and with the USA with 43.5% ..I ..am ..speechless. Horrified.
This has got me cogitating....just who is winning so far?
I rattle my abacus over the four battlefields....this is technology at it's finest...
Todate overall ...the USA have 49.8% ....the Uk & Co have 50.2%
I can just tickle a kipper bone between you! That's only a UK lead of 0.4%....almost neck and neck...
Everyone to their battle stations!
UK, you are under seige on the Challenge and the Titan....but holding firm on the Mogul and Survivor
USA....read that sentence back and just swap ...under seige with....running amok...and ....holding firm ... with .....getting annihilated....
Heee..heee..this is the stuff sagas are made of...how national heroes are born (and dispatched) ...and I'm loving every minute of it.
Thank you for been such wonderful troopers my friends...I do find this such great fun and love to watch you all play.
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