Stars & Stripes
Hoisted by Surrealist
Top 5 allegiances 1. Surrealist USA .. 2. miffy42#2 UK ... 3. WorldB#3 USA ... 4. jules44#1 UK ... 5. Deborah#2 USA
3/2 for the USA...and a cheeky win for Surrealist! There was another cheeky winner yesterday..but that's another story.
Right now I'm busy smoking a picnic hamper of kippers ready for our new Invincibles to take upto Mt Olympus with them. Armageddon is getting awful close...I wriggled under the wire at HQ to snatch the stats....and these might/might not be our new godlike beings of cerebral destruction if the positions stay the same.
Possible big heroes and heroines for June who'll get to reign for July...aka Invincibles
UK & Co wannabees....
1. jules44#1
2. miffy42#2
10. Maggie
14. Quiz_Beagle#8
15. paper_aeroplane#6
16. markswood#5
18. martin_cube
19. briarwoodrose#10
22. lg549#7
24. Dr_Gas 253 pts
whoopee....this will be close between Dr Gas and magijoh1....
25. magijoh1#4 247
My devilish american buddies....wannabee Invincibles
3. mos623#1
4. WorldB#3
5. Deborah#2
6 strnog1#4
7. ryaman#5
8. mike32768#6
9. julieanne123#7
11. Surrealist
12. scubascott#9
13. poolosopher 416 pts
Hmm....this is tricky.... can j2cp2 catch pool?
17. j2cp2#8 401 pts
And them my friends could be the demi-god Generals who will strike fear into other mortal troopers and lead their armies next month.
The Titans

Just a minute! Cheeky Qmel is an Invincible..#10..... was this a deliberate ploy to bring moi the referee running. It worked! In addition of course to the gastronomnic treats from Quiz Beagle...thanks QB..and dippo...wafts taste lovely. You just have to catch them on the wind.
Take 2.Yesterdays top terrificus Titan was poolosopher USA
Top 5 allegiances... 1. poolosopher USA .. 2. twosleepy USA ... 3. MarchHare007 UK.. 4. steve-e UK ... 5. Doc UK
3/2 for the UK & Co! Well done! But I'm cheering and screaming for pool...I love the woad wearers too...but oh if poolosopher can bag a second win on the Titans he'll be the only trooper to have worn the crown twice. This is a noteworthy achievement...par excellence..and all that french froggy daft talk...many great names have proudly worn the title of Titanasaurus Rex tattooed on their bums. Good luck pool...friend...also one of the loveable rogues who first got me hooked on FT quizzes and inspired this whole tournament because he kept beating me.
The Moguls

Once upon a time in the misty dawn days of the mogul the americans always hammered the UK on movies. Not so now heh? Jules has won 3 out of the 4 days on movies this month...the other square-eyed winner being non other than miffy42. No americans...tut tut. Yesterday only 15 troopers skinned themelves slithering under the guillotine and ...boy..did my eyes sting in sympathy for briarwoodrose and twosleepy who lost 3 seconds worth of their hide.
I've just peeped at the HQ stats to see who's stashed most bonus points in their arsenal.....heh...heh...pengy privelige forbids me to even hint or whisper who is winning. After last months tournament tie..the first and only ever in history I expect you were all dying for a hint. What a shame. I almost feel guilty.
The Survivor
Yesterdays top steel sheathed survivor was jules44#1 UK

But...it's a sad fact that Piranha has devoured her. Indeed I swear I actually saw miffy's little body wriggling down the great hungry orifice as well.
Here comes some shocking news. With only 4 troopers still alive and trying to elude capture....none of them are from the UK. Not one. Zero. Zilch. So a big round of applause for the last UK & Co Survivor....lg549.
Stop applauding.
Be afraid. Imagine the nervous tension...the flood of adrenalin...the fear that
mike32768 USA ( 1 time winner)... scubascott USA ... WorldB USA (6 time winner and undisputed master of piranha evasion) and mos623 USA
must all be feeling.
Wonder if we're going to have a new champ climb onto the fishy throne? With a name like scubascott...scubascott has got to do well against a fishy foe. And as we all already know...mos623 is..well, darn good.(I think he's escaped from some research lab myself)
Incidentally..I scan my beady eye over the champs list and I can confidently divulge that if mos can win the Survivor...he'll be the second greatest player ever to have stormed across all the battlefields. Only beaten by miffy42 who has won all four crowns and the much coveted title MOP. How's that mos? Like the sound of that? No pressure like but has it made you nervous? Just a tad?
Well...being a garrulous pengy I'd love to chat longer...but it's time to sharpen my harpoon and go help piranha...it goes against all my pacifist principles but...heck I'm scared of him.
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