Union Jack
Hoisted by jules44#1
Top 5 allegiances 1. jules44#1 UK ... 2. Surrealist USA ... 3. Deborah#2 USA .. 4. miffy42#2 UK ... 5. mos623#1 USA
3/2 for the USA army....and good work Surrealist but you couldn't stop jules scrabbling up the flagpole. You have to be darn clever and super nippy to do that! Three cheers to for jules for bagging three wins in a row..this makes you my fave player.
The distinction of being the most consistently clever and accurate trooper is awarded to briarwoodrose UK. 21 days play...210 answers...with nil wrong!
Pengy presents you with a smoked kipper in reward!
Are there any private duels needing stretchers bearers and a dose of aqua vitae?
well yes...take care Surrealist ...paper aeroplane has you in his gunsights
steve-e UK versus twosleepy USA..hmm...this could be a close fight.
oh dear..poor kjc USA has been ambushed by Doctor Gas and dippo for the Uk & Co
Good news though for Alien8...there are empty undefended trenches just in your path and waiting for you to romp up the field.
tisonlyme321 and yand UK are closing in on catbrat63 USA..but the little feline is playing great just now so might be able to fend them off.
donamaria USA is closing in on helmar UK
Yep..there's plenty of close hand to paw fighting going on.
The Titans

Top 5 allegiances. 1. poolosopher USA ... 2. shadowzep USA .. 3. flicker123 UK ... 4. martin_cube UK ... 5. skipperdeedoo UK
Yes! 3/2 for the UK & Co At last! But it was an american win...and poolosopher looks determined to stretch out his lead. Doc will have to pull something out of the bag to catch and trap him.
And oops..Alien8 is in trouble! Surrounded and set to be annihilated by a mob of UK titans. Get back in hangar 51 Alien8.. jacky UK is set to run you down.
The Mogul

And on movies too...so strange...my american buddies usually nab all the top spots on this subject. Then again...there's only one player who's not got a single answer wrong..and that's jules44 too. And without divulging sensitive secret information from HQ...as if I would?...one army has a 400 point lead over the other at this critiical moment in the monthly war.
The Survivor

And 21 of you terrifically brave fighters have escaped piranha's jaws and survived to reach the nervewracking...adrenalin pumping Final Frontier.
11 americans...and 10 UK & Co.
Interesting...this is a first...more red devils than woad wearers. UK..as impartial referee and perspicacious observer I have to tell you this could be bad news for you...mean a Day of Reckoning. ..mean a challenge to your undisputed reign of terror. Know what this means? Shove them headfirst down into the Pit and make sure they haven't a chance of climbing back out! Ever . Never. So piranha can nab them first before nabbing you.
But everyone is now safe until after play on Friday 26th. Unfortunately as I swizzle my telescope across infested waters I can see arms and legs riding the surf......our fallen comrades. It chokes you doesn't it to see such fine warriors nibbled and gnawed.
KO3 Casualties
martin_cube UK 210
polaris UK 210
onebraincelluk UK 210
skipperdeedoo UK 130
Johnny USA 105
Stuhern#3 UK 80
polaris UK 210
onebraincelluk UK 210
skipperdeedoo UK 130
Johnny USA 105
Stuhern#3 UK 80
5 UK & Co victims have stashed 840 pts
1 USA victim has stashed 105 pts
Only 1 american victim...this is good. A nearly total picnic of 5 UK treats (and a juicy treat of 1 Invincible) with a whopping 840 pts won...is also good.
But remember..the longer you stay alive the more points you will stash so I'm gleefully rubbing my flippers together here as the americans are in a great postion to hit the UK hard and hit them where it hurts...though naturally I don't condone violence of any type and so wouldn't know whether piranha prefers his treats tenderised and battered or as close to the raw state as possible thus improving it's nutritional content.
Speaking of which...todays mogul nibbles kindly supplied by catbrat63 are smoked sausages. Now them I do like....
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