Friday 12th June

Union Jack
Hoisted by jules44#1

Top 5 allegiances 1. jules44#1 UK ... 2. WorldB#3 USA ...3. miffy42#2 UK ... 4. poolosopher USA ... 5. julieanne123#7 USA

It's 3/2 for them there americans again!
And a few troopers were engaged in close in hand to hand bunfights....So who won?
markswood UK beat strnog1 USA....hee..hee...1/0 for the UK & Co
j2cp2 USA magnificently beat off a rear attack from briarwoodrose UK...oops..1/1
Remember poor Qmel was caught in an ambush? I had the stretchers ready...well, here's my fave player! Quiz Beagle might have sneaked past but Qmel has kept lg549..martin cube and cuddly at bay..and that's not all. Right now she's taking on steve-e aswell! Cor...taking on that many UK fighters singlehanded is really brave. Hmmm...but one sneaked past so it still 2/1 for the Uk & Co. War is harsh.
kjc USA beat pollygw UK....back to 2/2
dippo stomped on bernie73 and stormed off ahead. 3/2 for the UK. I had a premonition about this one....afterall dippo is current Titanasaurus Rex...
datrivialist USA beat Helmar UK...I fixed splints to Helmars legs..well, a pogo stick actually ....this will help a rapid recovery...yes?
So in the private duels it's 3/3. How nice. This means I can agitate my flippers for both armies!
But there is a war at stake and it's past the 10th of the month when HQ deviously leak out the current stats to plant fear into your hearts.
So..this is the stage of play on the Challenge...the UK & Co's Achilles Heel.
I'm sorry did I say UK?
Shocking News Flash! after 10 days ferocious fighting the UK are leading.
This is not a typo....the UK have a fab 53% of the big pie...and the USA are trailing..for the first time in recent memory with only 47%
Oh dear USA....if you don't do something soon you could be in big trouble

The Titans
Yesterdays top terrificus was Surrealist USA

Top 5 allegiances... 1.Surrealist USA ... 2. steve-e UK ... 3. poolosopher USA ... 4. shadowzep USA .... 5. Doc UK

That's 3/2 for the USA....and that Union Jack is folded away in a cupboard and collecting cobwebs. It hasn't been flown since the 5th.. Tssk UK...and now Surrealist has joined in the hunting are been truly hammered. Go find whee and drag him back to rally a counter attack.....for yes, the news is dire....the shame could be great...the USA have a horrendously big lead with 58% . might have noticed has shaven away the UK glory gained on the Challenge. All UK Titans....gird your loins and get out there!

The Mogul
Yesterdays most magnificent music mogul was Deborah#2 USA

Oh I american buddies did well yesterday....but the only player to have got this far without getting any answers wrong is jules44#1. Yes, the UK jule in the crown..the best champ ever. Next on pengys list of fabioso moguls comes ryaman USA and miffy42 UK with only 1 wrong...and then Qmel USA ... Dr_Gas UK and briarwoodrose UK with only 2. These are the fab five..the most consistent and cleverest and pengy adores you all! I think you're great.
But who has the most deadly army at the moment? Who has stashed most goodies in their arsenal? The UK!
Again. With 53.3% of the big beefy missiles the UK are leaving the USA with only 46.7% of the grenades...or 190 points bonus points in plain english.
Hey I clever woad wearers you're really pulling out all the stops this month and aiming for a win aren't you?

The Survivor
Yesterdays steel sheathed top survivor was markswood UK
And I am a happy penguin...I have two Invincibles languishing in the Pit...tasty luxurious treats to offer piranha....and one of them, mike32768 can already feel his toes being tickled but maybe that's because Qmel has kindly(?) coated his little toes in salsa. He might wriggle to safety yet though...I spy a few other troopers slithering dangerously close to the pit edge....twosleepy .... bernie73 ...Doc ... trooper2196
Watch you aren't grabbed by the ankles my friends! There are 9 sacrifices in there intent on escape and not fussy who replaces them..just as long as somebody else does.
And the team war? How goes it? The UK are leading this one so far...hmm..piranha must be getting a taste for american food. With 53.6% the UK are beating the USA's 46.4% of the points. But remember...the brave souls who still survive are still adding to the final total and there's 17 americans and 19 UK & Co....and I could be wrong but rarely am ....that's a stronger american force to be reckoned with this time. This is intriguing..this is fun...this means anything could happen!
Rattling my motorized abacus for all 4 battlefields this means that so a a nose....and not one the size of Pinnochio's either...the UK currently have a 1% lead. Bah..that is nothing...Uncle Sam's Army can deal with that....Or can they? Last month the final result was a draw....The UK are making a comeback!

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