Wednesday 10th June

Due to unforseen circumstances I was not here on Monday
pengy apologizes...
But I'm back now!

Union Jack
Hoisted by miffy42#2 UK

Top 5 allegiances ...1. miffy42#2 UK ... 2. Stuhern#3 UK ... 3. cubswin2323 USA ... 4. Deborah#2 USA ... 5. shadowzep USA

3/2 for the USA...and so far..upto yet..the UK & Co have sent a trooper up the mast to fly their flag every single day ..but one. Only mos623 has managed to beat the fab blue woad wearers. And I might have gone AWOL but pengy misses nothing! I spy Surrealist has sneaked back in under cover of darkness..and bggirl crept in too. I hope you've noticed this slow, steady trickle of veterans returning to the frontline UK & Co and are busy plotting some counter attack?
Have any private duels broken out?
Is Pengy an adorable referee?
markswood#5 UK V strnog1#4 USA looks a close fight..and I'm waving a kipper for a treat to the winner!
Take care j2cp2#8 USA...briarwoodrose#10 is closing in!
Get a stretcher ready for Qmel#10..there is no way anyone, no matter how Invincible, will be able to survive this hungry UK pack ...martin_cube UK ...
Cuddly UK ... Quiz_Beagle#8 UK ... lg549#7 .
And a whoop of admiration here for Cuddly who I've marked out for future fame! What a feisty little player.
Warning:...pengy is declaring a gory warzone starting at the 26th trench. Do not stray into there my friends if you can help it...the flying flak could be deadly...believe me you don't want to be there. It's tough. It's showdown time..with no quarter given, between
steve-e UK V Norabee USA..and Nora's playing fab just now
Standing shoulder to shoulder and leaving no room to swing a catapult next we have.. ...pollygw UK V kjc USA..then bernie73 USA V dippo. I'm already monogramming bandages for bernie....for it's a brave diehard who takes on the reigning Titanasaurus Rex and expects to walk away unscathed..or even walk away I forget the bandages and make that crutches instead.
I'll save some splints for datrivialist USA V Helmar UK.
Hmmm..I like this Helmar...but don't get too distracted my friends because Surrealist is breathing down your necks..I know..amazing isn't it after only two days play and he's charging up the battlefield and hurdling the trenches.

The Titans
Yesterdays top terrificus Titan was Surrealist.

Top 5 allegiances....1. Surrealist USA ... 2. poolosopher USA ... 3. Cuddly UK ...4. shadowzep USA ... 5. Doc UK's 3/2 for the USA...again...and as if it's not bad enough already the USA are beefing up the ranks. Poor UK & Co are going to be put under horrible pressure. This could be catastrophic! This must be a deliberate tactic sending in the Destroyer....Doc, Cuddly and recent UK recruits you might not know of warned...he's good. He's very good. I truly believe he was cloned from mos623. ...he talks big too. But who knows it could be that I've inadvertently just given him the Pengy Kiss of Death.
Meanwhile...the 2nd to 6th trenches are filled with Americans...oh
martin cube UK you are courageous.. you're aiming to pick them off one by one aren't you? Yes, I see...your gauntleted fist is already reaching to swipe at twosleepy. And Cuddly and Helmar are coming to help too.
Even the odds! I like it! This makes for one great big bunfight! Yes...I's good cunning teamwork too as Doc is stretching out his lead. If you can't beat them UK....steal the throne and keep it out of American hands.

The Mogul
Yesterdays most cunning animal mogul was miffy42#2 UK

My spiffy miffy was certainly a busy little chappy yesterday. And congratulations to polaris UK who cut it awful fine and slithered under the guillotine bang on 60 seconds. That was risky my friend....Not so poor cubswin2323 ( a star Titan player this month)..who unfortunately got scalped. I take no pleasure seeing that wicked blade dropping...crunch...I keep it well oiled.
And to boost UK morale after my dire warnings on the Titan....well, how can I say this...USA if you want to start panicking over another damning Mogul defeat....start hearing alarm bells about ....NOW. Yes it's bad.(ish). Yes, the blue army are romping off and you're not managing to rein them in...or nail them to your totem poles. They're getting proficient at this.
Stats so far are...UK & Co = 1350.... USA = 1170.
There is no shame my american friends in submitting to the superior Moguls. No one would blame you. I murmur these comforting words with a cheeky sideways grin...for I am an adept at reverse psychology...indeed, trauma counselling. If it helps I could tickle the UK & Co with kipper bones?

The Survivor
Yesterdays steel sheathed top survivor was miffy42#2 UK

Three out of the four battlefields were won by spiffy miffy yesterday. This makes him my current allround fave player.
But....I dab my moist eyes with a tissue because piranha came the other day and culled you. I tried to fend him off but he dragged off 11 of you. 7 UK & Co bitesize meals and 4 USA bitesize meals. I fired off a volley of 11 shots in protest for...
KO1. blackprinceuk UK
KO1. Lacey UK
KO1. cubswin2323 USA
KO1. cat_brat63 USA
KO1. jamesbedoshopper UK
KO1. MarchHare007 UK
KO1. Blackdresss USA
KO1. moomin UK
KO1. Paper_aeroplane#6 UK
KO1. skrizoo UK
KO1. castortroy USA
Having captured an Invincible so early the ecstatic fishy fiend is circling, eyeing you all up until sunday when he'll be back.
36 of you remain...19 UK & Co...17 USA...
Some of you who were early hors d'ouvres last month eluded the fishy jaws on KO1 this time...well done there for having nerves of galvanised steel and jumping back into the fray and surviving the first cull. Be proud!
Too modest to brag? Then allow me to be smug and brag for you!
Cheers to
skipperdeedoo UK
chewwy USA
Alien8 USA
onebraincelluk UK
polaris UK
Now keep out of trouble..if you can.
Right...time for me to shrug into my combat gear and jog off and referee the Survivor...if I didn't guard that Pit I bet piranha would sneak in early and eat you, my friends...and pengy Law says you all get a fighting chance.

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