Wednesday 29th April

Union Jack
Hoisted by paper aeroplane#4

Top 5 allegiances.. 1. paper_aeroplane#4 UK .. 2. jules44#2 UK .. 3. whee UK .. 4. miffy42 UK .. 5. WorldB#2 USA

4/1 for the UK & Co...and with Armageddon drawing closer I'd say that was a fine effort! And I've seen you lurking whee... not hard really with you scampering into the top 5. Does this mean you're in training to come back and fight the good fight next month? Does it?
Should pengy shakeout his reinforced flak jacket ready?
Congratulations to paper aeroplane...leading the blue army to an almost total victory. WorldB managed to scurry, 1 second behind the top 3 and breathing down miffy's neck.
Unless drastic, nasty things happen our new Invincibles could be...
1. jules44
2. miffy42
3. Stuhern
4. markswood
5. magijoh1
6. paper_aeroplane
7. Quiz_Beagle
8. briarwoodrose
9. martin_cube
10. dippo 315

Hey I say, this would kick miffy, Stuhern and martin cube out of the Titans.
Goodness! But..all is not would let steve-e and demurechicky and lg549 back in.
And what about the USA?
1. mos623
2. WorldB
3. Deborah
4. strnog1
5. mike32768
6. shadowzep
7. ryaman
8. julieanne123
9. bernie73
10. Qmel 409
Well bernie73 would become an exalted super human being..barred from the Titan battlefield...but...ah no! Look who will be allowed back...j2cp2 ...
scubascott and poolosopher. And they don't come meaner than scubascott and pool, well. He's already won the crown there! This could be seriously bad for you UK
Pengy will post the new Fearsome Ones' names ASAP on Friday morning..but he's anticipating big trouble

Speaking fondly of which..
The Titans
Yesterdays top terrificus Titan was miffy42...
my...he's got 6 wins tucked in his grenade belt now. This is pretty impressive stuff miffy. 20 wins so far this month....This is how heroes are born and become the stuff of legends. Oops..almost forgot.
Top 5 allegiances ...1. miffy42 UK ... 2. StuHern UK ... 3. bernie73 USA ... 4. cubswin2323 USA ... 5. martin_cube UK
3/2 for the UK & Co...and have you spotted something? 4 out of them top 5 stand to become anointed Invincible heroes. So my fave player is cubswin2323...go for it little tiger cub....sink those sharp little gnashers into the enemy! It works for piranha. I imagine a lot of Titan troopers will heave a big sigh of relief in a few days..can't think why.

The Moguls
Yesterdays top mogul was jules44#1 UK

Oh yes, time I think to applaud the UK team. Those flagpoles were UK territory yesterday..not one American even allowed near.
Only 19 managed to snatch bonus goodies to add to their teams arsenal..and wow...those of you who did get 10 accept a pat on the back from an admiring pengy.
You my friends, yes you......or one army at least could have just swung the outcome of the war. In the dying moments one of you has snatched a nice lead. But can this army (who shall remain nameless) manage to fend off attack? My beak is zipped. Top secret. Call me mischievous but I can say no more..not even a clue.

The Survivor
Yesterdays top steel sheathed survivor was StuHern UK

Another win for the UK & Co team..but alas, it wasn't enough to save Stu. Those snappng piranha jaws brutally dragged him off along with a few other prime tasty steaks...
Resistance was futile for
jules44#1 UK ... mos623#1 USA ... Stuhern UK ... briarwoodrose#7 UK
and piranha is cruising again today and I'm waving my flippers for markswood because it's nasty being stuck in piranha's sights when the other three left still standing are WorldB, current Sole Survivor..and miffy42 and mike32768, both past champs. I'm on your side markswood! Hide behind me!
I'm thinking one thing...slide your eyes up to the current flags...hmmm..somehow I think those current 4 Stars & Stripes and two Union Jacks are in for big changes.
But right now I'm toddling off to the mogul run...just spotted that everyone so far has got 10! Hmmm..this could get tricky. For all you troopers, that is. For me it's fab! Great! Pengy says...Never say die! Glory is going to be hard earned on this one this month.
ps. This is odd..nothing to do with the war at all really...but it's never happend before. When I type anything into the Google search box it's coming out backwards.
egnarts yrev sti

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