Wednesday 22nd April

Union Jack
Hoisted by jules44#1 (isn't she fab! Eat your heart out Boudicea))

Top 5 allegiances 1. jules44#1 UK ... 2. miffy42 UK ... 3. Deborah#4 USA ...4. mos623#1 USA ... 5. shadowzep#6 USA

3/2 for the USA....but they couldn't stop jules from whizzing up that flagpole 2 days on the trot. I was peeking at the Top 25 Toughies..only a quick peek because the Invincibles are in there..and they can turn mere mortals like me to stone with a glance. Who, I wonder will be our new residents on Olympus, loftily looking down on us puny minions?
Well if things stay the way they are..and I bet they won't..these will be the next marked players. Once pengy sticks a # on their back...bullseye! Mark your target! These would be the terrific new UK & Co Fearsome Ones
1. jules44
2. miffy42
3. Stuhern ...
welcome back
4. markswood
5. magijoh1
6. briarwoodrose
7. Quiz_Beagle
8. lg549
9. paper_aeroplane
10 martin_cube
243 pts..and welcome back to MC too
but...who have we here? Hah! This is interesting.
Dr_Gas 242 ..
dippo 230
It would be a first visit to the dizzy heights of for Dr Gas...
And for the USA..wannabees
1. mos623
2. WorldB
3. Deborah
4. strnog1 ...
a welcome back
5. mike32768
6. shadowzep
7. Qmel ..
and another welcome back
8. ryaman
9. bernie73
..oh certainly deserve fame!
10 julieanne123 303
But...still well in with a chance!
j2cp2 278
poolosopher 263 ..this is our reigning Titanasaurus Rex lurking in the wings...currently holds Invincible status...barred from the Titan battlefield.

The Titans
Yesterdays terrificus Titan was miffy42

Top 5 allegiances...1. miffy42 UK ... 2. cat_brat63 USA ... 3. StuHern UK ... 4. martin_cube UK ... 5. Qmel USA

3/2 for the UK...and what fine resistance by the americans. Well done cat brat...but will you be able to fend off UK domination? Or will you be humiliated..battered and bruised and left lying in the mud. Something has just occured to me..and as a gregarious pengy I feel impelled to share my observation with you. 4 out of the the top 5 finishers yesterday are galloping toward Godhead in the Challenge. Yes...this does mean next month they might not be hotfooting it across this battlefield.
And..because I have been remarking about a moth eaten, threadbare Stars and Stripes so much of late...well done to bernie73 for flying the Star and Stripes yesterday..when, alas, I was not here. Instant reparation is in here...enjoy... ...

The Moguls
Yesterdays most cunning animal mogul was miffy42 Uk

Just now this has to be my fave quiz. I promised myself to divulge no more HQ stats. To exercise discretion. Like Janus that two faced guy...I turn a sorrowful face on one army...and with a wicked glitter to my eye...a sneaky grin on the other. The player that dares to have a day off..or stumbles and gets decapitated by the guillotine could cost his country dearly now. Oh the shame and guilt of it! Rather you than me..spectatorship and refereeing is best...if you're a regular reader of my chatty drivel you'll know which army was winning by a 100 bonus points two days ago. Well...that army is now -30. You read that right..that's a minus. They've lost control..the other side have whizzed ahead. The leadership is changing hands faster than you can say...Watch the 60 seconds guillotine!
Time for serious stuff...the whole war could well be decided on the way or the other.

The Survivor
Yesterdays top steel sheathed survivor was jules44#1 UK

And it was KO3 time..and the victims in the Pit..are now no more.
We have reached the Final Frontier...not an easy task and so congratulations are once again in order to any trooper who managed to avoid piranha's sharp little fangs.
8 Americans and 10 UK & Co survived the experience. Piranha's latest snack was mainly american fast food...5 out the 6 nibbles infact. Bonus goodies were won...and it was a fine effort from the blue army swinging the battle back their way with more toughies getting through.
KO3. shadowzep USA 210
KO3. trooper2196 UK 210
KO3. cat_brat63 USA 210
KO3. j2cp2 USA 195
KO3. twosleepy USA 195
KO3. cubswin2323 USA 125
And next...all these extra special guys survived gastronomic ignominy and reached the Final Frontier this time around..anyone of who could pummel WorldB flat, nudge him in the Pit and nick his throne. Yes, there are more..a whole horde..but these are my heroes.
martin cube UK
miffy42 UK
mos623#1 USA
StuHern UK
bernie73 USA ..Oh hello. You again? Fave player! You've changed your diet to rocket fuel haven't you? Yep, I'm cheering for bernie!
But now...I'll just go scatter some fresh seasoning in the bottom of the Pit ready for my new tasty arrivals tonight.

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