Wednesday 18th March Shout Box

Stars & Stripes
Hoisted by mos623#1

Top 5 allegiances 1. mos623#1 USA ... 2. WorldB#3 USA ... 3. Anton USA ... 4. jules44#1 UK ... 5. julieanne123#10 USA

4/1 for the USA. Wow...jules44 was squashed. Three of you earned the dubious distinction of being my fave players yesterday ...couldn't decide on just one..threw your dog tags in my sardine can, shook it and all threw flew out. we go...impressive work Anton USA...dippo UK and Jazzrockfusion USA..and yes! Jazzrockfusion I noticed you sneak back under cover of dark to fight for your country! Come on UK..where are your recruits?
How's the trench warfare going? Any private duels? Is the earth round?
(actually I think it's oblate isn't it but never mind).
First there's scubascott USA V paper_aeroplane UK. A war between two Invivincbles ...that's always worth a ringside seat
steve-e#5 UK V Anton USA..a tricky one. Both dead good troopers and both handicapped by being pengy protegees.
Warning: Dr_Gas Uk is been chased down by kjc USA and it gets worse..there's a horde of more americans behind him.
Warning: You can run cat_brat63 USA....but you can't hide. pollygw Uk is hot on your catty tail! And there's a fair bit of backup behind her...
Argentum USA is on the squirly tail of OldSpotPig.
From the 58th trench things get messy.
We have a running battle between shipyardbernie UK ...LauraMcC UK .. dazedcat USA ...sundowner UK and glitterfairy UK. There's tons of casualties lying in abandoned trenches here...that means ranks and points up for grabs for the brave and the fearless and with Chip UK (nice with mushy peas)and LittleShe UK scrambling over the fallen there could soon be carnage here. It makes me wince everytime I hear the bones crunch. Just have to say here all our new recruits for both armies are putting in some fine results.
Pengy loves to see such patriotism.

The Titans
Yesterdays top terrificus Titan was lg549 UK

Top 5 allegiances 1. lg549 UK ... 2. briarwoodrose UK ... 3. poolosopher USA ...4. dippo UK ... 5. castortroy USA

3/2 for the UK & Cohorts..well done! But after stealing victory on this battlefield last month the UK are under now under pressure. Americans don't take defeat lying down you know. They've hoisted their flag 12 out 17 days so far. They've lain landmines at the foot of the flagpole....
My fave player was a PB...romped home in 7th . Hmmm...promising..another pengy protege I think...along with skipperdeedoo.
Get those boxing gloves on! Fisti-fight between brokenbody USA V MarchHare007 . Brokenbody always seems to be in the thick of it..
Help needed for....dazedcat USA been pursued by LauraMcC UK and solan_goose UK. And where are the nearest american reinforcements? There are none. You're on your own dazedcat. Don't worry, I'll clamber through the barbed wire and booby traps and loan you my white flag!

The Moguls
Yesterdays most cunning animal mogul was jules44#1 UK

That's three wins in a row...again! And my eyes stung for cubswin2323 USA yesterday..just slithered under the guillotine with 1 second to spare. My, you do cut it fine sometimes. But this daring tactic is working...The USA are really romping off...
psst..UK.. Try smearing glue on the soles of their feet otherwise you're never going to catch them.

The Survivor
Yesterdays steel sheathed survivor was julieanne123#10 USA

That's a win in the bag for julieanne123 and the Survivor has to be the hardest one to snatch a win. Now..there was me thinking some of you were going to languish helplesssly in the Pit and...what happens? j2cp2 and paper aeroplane sneaked past quality Invincible status victims escaping! Bit disappointed, I was sure I had you two for keeps. Still, never mind briarwoodrose UK and dippo UK dropped in to replace you. But don't despair...paper aeroplane and mos623 are within harpoon range.

I'm starting to get the urge to play quizzes myself...but not against you my friends, you're all too good. I just nipped upto the main embarrassing I forgot my password and had to send for it. It's changed a tad up there since I last visited aswell. can all chuckle , pengy is going to play the ego-crushing global challenge this time..and how lucky...the new one just started on Monday. You might recognize me, you might not..for I am incognito...with a devilishly misleading and phoney name...sort of. Why do I invite this humiliation? So I can spy on you of course!

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