Wednesday 18th February Shout Box

Union Jack
Hoisted by miffy42#2

Top 5 allegiances 1. miffy42#2 UK ... 2. jules44#1 UK ... 3. mos623#1 USA ...4. Stuhern#4 UK ... 5. demurechicky#9 UK

4/1 for the UK & Co. Fine work there Uk hit almost hammered
Obama's Army into the mud. You just missed mos. He's always slippery and hard to beat.
There's a load of private duels....I'm nibblimg my flippers here...inbetween snifling and extracting tissues from the mansize tissue box. Yeah...pengy is real germy this winter....must have caught a virus. I thought anti-virus programs were supposed to gaurd against this sort of thing.
Cor..the whole battlefield is strewn with skirmishes....more than I've seen before.
You ready for this?
First we have j2cp2#4 USA V demurechicky#9 UK . Make this a danger zone..this is two Invincibles thrashing it out and when they lock horns no one is safe.
Next we have...bernie73 USA V briarwoodrose UK..and these guys are toughies on the Titan battlefield too. Poor bernie is surrounded by the enemy . Nearest help is goldbob...but he's fighting his own battle too...ambushed! Good tactics UK. Isolate and exterminate. I like it.
Warning for ...lg549 UK...take care... LanaDale is stalking you and Warning: for Lanadale too , MarchHare007 is bounding up behind. Careful of them big furry paws! And don't get sideswiped by a floppy ear.
And right behind don't dare slow down..are Blackdresss USA ...
solan_goose UK ... paul6012 USA and moomin UK. trading punches as they run.
I say....Blackdresss is proving to be a sprightly little player but then again solan goose is pretty snappy and both have team mates so this little scrap could go either way for either army.
New recruits Jabberwok and shipyardbernie are settling in fast and at the rate they're playing will quickly romp up those empty trenches left by deserters. Can't really blame anyone for leaving the field...this fierce Challenge is bruising.

Go to the Titans instead...where it's even deadlier.
The Titans
Yesterdays top terrificus was Anton

Top 5 allegiances 1. Anton USA ... 2. poolosopher USA ... 3. briarwoodrose UK ...4. dippo UK ... 5. steve-e UK

I knew it..omnipotent pengy just knew it was only a matter of time before Anton won. Yay...a prophetic vision! Wish it could show me who was going to win this month. Time to get rattling my sabre.
Come on UK that Stars & Stripes is in danger of getting fused to the flagpole. I keep shaking out the Union Jack and having to throw it back over my bed.
Want more gripping stuff?
Our terrific Titans provide it! On the eve of yesterday Qmel thieved the
lead from poolosopher...did he quiver with fear..He did not.
Yesterday he snatched it back...and not to let the cat out of the bag brairwoodrose and the UK hitsquad are closing in on them whilst they're busy fighting over the throne. Think Battle of the Little Big Horn! Think Charge of the Light Brigade! And my cough medicine must be mushing my brain....
I'm still betting on a UK win here. If any team deserve a win it's the Uk & Co Titans.

The Mogul
Yesterdays most cunning animal mogul was jules44#1

So you think this one is the place to come for some sedate play? Think again.
Did you know? Do you care?..well I'm telling you anyway because I like to brag.
Some of these new recruits are settling in fast...too fast..the cheeky things are upsetting the status quo. Most of them are American devils too. This has had a devastating effect on the battle lines...hold your ground UK & Co!
Current stats leaked from HQ....UK & Co = 2830 bonus goodies in the arsenal..... USA = 2780 ..a bit less. Only 50 less.
But only a couple of days ago they had a minor lead. No one dare duck! Have courage! If you see the enemy coming stand your ground! Shut your eyes if you have to ( I unshamedly would) but this is no longer for the faint hearted.
Have to say I admire new troopers Jabberwok UK ... raidersruleall USA....and dazedcat USA. No messing about, they've whizzed under that 60 second guillotine and got seriously busy helping their teams.
This is going to be so tight that even if it's a day with a subject where you think you don't shine...can you afford not to play?

The Survivor
Yesterdays steel sheathed top survivor was j2cp2#4 USA

The more observant of you, the ones with the killer gleam in their eyes, will have noticed a little glitch yesterday. We are now glitch-less...though the more observant of you, the ditto ones.....might notice the scoreboard updates a little later. This is a deliberate manouvere to avoid ditto happening again. I do so hope that was more understandable than it sounds. Translation : It's fixed.
I'm patrolling the Danger Zone perimeter and having the odd sneaky peak down into the abysmal depths and see...ah, two Invincibles haloes glowing down there. Bet they'll escape out ..but not if I can help it.
15 potential sacrifices have diagonal stripes criss-crossing their backs and the other 14 have Made in the USA stamped on them. That's a nice balance from each team and we're at that exciting stage when piranha is trying to stop you getting to the Final Frontier.
I'm counting my flipper digits here. This is a shorter month...know what that means? Less days to recouperate after Saturday 21st KO.
Before you have time to say ....Hey I reached the Final Frontier ...the survivors will be facing those merciless snapping jaws again! I don't intend to sound like a sadist who relishes the KO's....I'm a certified pacifist.
Troopers who I think are pretty impressive right now and managing to keep nicely clear of the Pit Edge and my harpoon are .. ... scubascott USA...
demurechicky UK ... martin_cube UK .... cat_brat63 USA and briarwoodrose UK.
It can be a real help if you scrabble to safer territory early on in the round....just incase you loose your footing a little and slide backwards later.
Oh dear....
Players who are slithering close to peril and are NOT in the Pit but might soon get dragged in if others escape are poolosopher USA ... Stuhern UK ...
Quiz_Beagle UK ... twosleepy USA and lg549 UK
Don't wanty to worry you like....just thought I'd mention it...
I'm off to sip a nice lemony drink now...

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