Monday 23rd February Shout Box

It's me. Today I have terrific/terrifying news to divulge..depending upon which team you play on.

Armageddon is drawing closer..My nerves are shot to bits... Stu has grazes on his butt from piranhas's teeth... Blackdresss is creating anarchy on the Titans by hoisting Anton upto the flagpole on her shoulders. You truly have to admire such unflagging patriotism. Is he not very tall?

But back to the grizzly, gory stuff.
All leave is one can afford to take a day off and desert their country...everyone must flog themselves like they've never flogged themselves before.
With only days left to batttle..and diminishing as I speak this is how it is so far...
The Challenge....once the sacred crowning glory of the UK...but since invaded and snatched by the USA and even now as I hit flipper to keyboard currently in the control of Obama's Army. This has been like defiling hallowed UK turf the way the red tide has surged in.
You're in big trouble there UK &'re getting hammered. Badly. The this is flipper biting stuff....frightening even. No matter how hard they might fight, no matter how many grenades they throw at the USA they just can't seem to win this battle...never..ever.
Urgent newsflash from Pengy.
Stand proud UK & are in the lead! Yes! I say again...UK & Co you are in the lead! Did that make the adrenalin pump? Did our American friends just shudder and go cross-eyed with wonder? This next bit will give courage to the poor unfortunate is only a 0.6% lead. A kipper bone....a bunny whisker....a beagle's nose. This is a mere tiddly fraction...and the UK could still be brought tumbling down.'ll lose your unbroken Titan domination USA if you don't hamstring them quick and decisively. Never again will you be able to say you are Unconquerable. Never again will you inspire fear.
Shame...lurks just around the corner.
Either side could snatch this one. Truly, this is fab news to a hyper-excited referee.
The it less deadly here? Not a bit. I'm not betting on this one either. Only 70 bonus points seperate the two armies. This is trench warfare. Every single player winning every single bonus goody could alter the course of this battle. Better make sure that guillotine is well oiled....
The favourite playing field. UK domination is the norm here. The norm still rules. The UK must be fitter, tougher and are certainly determined to keep control. They have a whopping, untouchable 7% lead.
So what does all this mean?
Well...this excited pengy needs to drink some cough medicine to calm down...
Based on current stats the leader racing for the finnishing line is only ahead by a uncomfortably, insecure, minor, measly, virtually not worth mentioning 0.4 %.
That's you UK & Co....heck, but don't slow down or trip...or get tackled from behind.
The USA is right behind shadowing your footfalls, breathing down your necks.

I predicted loftily last month that it would take about 3 months for the USA to whittle down the enemy. I was wrong.
Look at this...
UK & Co have won the last 3 wars by..
January won by 2.8%
December won by 4%
November won by 5% .....and as this month approaches Judgement Day they're hanging on by a dangerous 0.4%.
Without a doubt the Americans are surging back. Stem the tide UK & Co..because once they starting winning ....You'll never manage to stop them!....Last time they won for a whole 8 months in a row!

The fiercest battling right now is on the Titan and the Mogul......and don't forget the Survivor. Shorter month means piranha comes circling sooner to start the daily deadly culling.
The toughest players have reached the Final Frontier..a bit bruised and even perhaps with a grazed butt. It shows how tough it is because I was amazed to spot Qmel USA....markswood UK...shadowzep USA and castortroy USA didn't manage to make it this time. All good little players...who got gnawed and eliminated and left floating like flotsam at sea.
I'm pretty chuffed to see new Final Frontierests this month of twosleepy USA ...martin cube UK ... bernie73 USA ... scubascott USA and catbrat63 USA.
Well done there you terrific little proud! Not many manage to elude piranha that long. You have to be fighting fit to do that.
Which reminds me....isolated and alone on my ice floe I might be ...but...wait a minute whilst I just drag out a throne..I'm talking Global Challenge. I click and whizz about the web too you know.

There, I'll just plug it in ready... for mike32768 . Hug please.

And...just drag over another one over for ... whee . Hug please too.

Here are the links for handy reference...but I noticed a few Immortal names there who storm across the battlefields here. Congratulations my little human friends...the rest of us can only marvel at you.

Global Challenge
Top 100 Final Scores Normal
Top 100 Final Scores Hardcore

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