Stars & Stripes
Hoisted by strnog1

Top 5 allegiances 1. strnog1 USA...2. mos623#1 USA...3. miffy42#2 UK...4. julieanne123 USA...5. Stuhern#10 UK

3/2 for the USA...and well done to strnog1 for scrabbling up that flagpole. My fave player was pollygw..romped into the top 20 and got a PB...
Yesterday I was bragging about our super moguls who'd played the full 5 days so far and NOT got a single answer wrong!
Today I boast unabashedly about the best Challenge players. Indulge me..I do so love to brag on your behalf! None wrong! No, not at all!
Stuhern#10 UK
magijoh1#7 UK
miffy42#2 UK
notae UK

And these snappy players only got 1 wrong....martin_cube#9 UK... Qmel#7 USA...Quiz_Beagle#8 UK... BB1#2 USA...WorldB#3 USA...mos623#1 USA...Blackdresss USA...Georgia USA
Isn't that humbling? Doesn't it make the rest of you feel good about your self?
Sorry if that was over colourful..I can't tell with my monochromatic visison.

The Titans
Yesterdays top terrific Titan was ryaman USA AGAIN!

Three Wins In A Row for ryaman. ..and he filched the lead

Top 5 allegiances...1. ryaman USA...2. cat_brat63 USA...3. scubascott USA...4. dippo UK... 5. twosleepy USA

4/1 for the USA!...cor that was a close run thing. Was almost total annihilation. Right UK, what you going to do about ryaman? He needs special attention...kidnapping? Remember, pengy does not condone violence and never pays ransom demands...but paper aeroplane is under serious attack and needs some covering fire quick. It was a gallant effort by dippo who scurried into the top 10 but the americans are runing riot. 7 out of the top 10 players are red devils.

The Mogul
Yesterdays top fab movie mogul was BB1#2 USA

I must say BB1 is really rather good at this. ..always seems to be top american..but alas seems fated to have never won it yet. Then again, I gnaw my lip mournfully as I hasten to point out..neither has any other american don't be sad BB1. Oops, bit tactless that...
Moving smoothly fave player was CRAZZYMAN...oh yes, I like CRAZZYMAN...he was one of the original devilish players got a drippy, not too bright penguin hooked on quizzes. Yes, he used to beat me all the time! I had a retaliatory course of action...yes, I retired and started the UK V USA quizzes instead!
I raided HQ yet again.....guess what? Some of you were dead clever last month and snatched more goodies for your team than in August. I speak reverently of the masterful moguls who excelled themselves. The ones who hair ignited from overloaded brain activity! Whose thought processes rivalled the speed of light!
These are them...respect them for they are right nifty mental giants
If this is you be proud to have served your country so well!
1. jules44#1 UK 150 more
2. Lieberkuhn USA 120 more
3. demurechicky#5 UK 110 more
4. Blackdresss USA 110 more
5. Eebs#4 USA 100 more
6. mos623#1 USA 80 more
7. kjc USA 60 more pts
8. loginnamealias UK 60 more pts
9. shadowzep#8 USA up 50 pts
10. MarchHare007 UK 50 more pts

Seems a lot of red there.
More magnificent moguls....not so magnificent as the 10 above but still pretty special to a pengy.
Alien8 USA 20 more pts
blackprinceuk UK 30 more pts
cyberhen UK 20 more pts
Deborah#10 USA same pts
Dr_Gas UK same pts
flicker123 UK 10 more pts
jacky UK 40 more pts
magijoh1#7 UK 30 more pts
Marsalinator USA 20 more pts
mike32768#5 USA 10 more pts
milamtexan USA 30 more pts
OldSpotPig#6 UK 40 more pts
onebraincellUK UK 20 more pts
Pix UK 30 more pts
polaris UK 10 more pts
Quiz_Beagle#8 UK 20 more pts
RJ USA 30 more pts
scubascott USA 10 more pts
strnog1 USA 20 more pts
swotty UK 10 more pts
Wilberforce_Dumblebum UK 20 more pts

Some of you will find your name not listed... aw, what a shame. But not to worry, you get to have a go all over again this get sprinting!
By the way...a discreet update.... the UK & Co are still winning. Our american friends are struggling to catch up this time.

The Survivor
Yesterdays top steel sheathed survivor was miffy42#2 UK

Cor..that's lucky. It was nearly 4 wins out of all four battles for the red devils. Whew! And 2 wins in a row for spiffy miffy. There, that's the Kiss of Death done for the day! polaris UK and RJ USA sneaked out of the Danger Zone when I wasn't looking..cheeky things...BUT I netted Alien8 and twosleepy (who I caught, sorry..couldn't resist it).
I say, Eebs is doing well. Top american player and hasn't even played all 5 days. This is a true genius at work. Pengy is impressed.
Pengy is also having a little chuckle. I've seen you can't elude my laser assisted vision. Titanasaurus Rex, american're after snatching the Sole Survivor crown. I can tell. ...I'm watching you....have you visited my Pit yet?

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