Stars & Stripes
Hoisted by Surrealist#1

1. Surrealist#1 USA..He's back! Been behaving,...but not anymore
2. miffy42#2 UK...only 1 second behind! Nipping at his heels
3. WorldB#2 USA...Tried to wrestle miffy down..failed
4. Little Heaven#10 UK... in hot pursuit whilst straffing
5. julieanne123 USA...who had a piggy wiggy right behind

3/2 for the USA. this is getting to be a habit. That's 11 wins for our fearsome american army and 7 for the UK & Co...and not a win for 4 whole days now!
My fave players? Thought OldSpotPig and poolosopher played sriously well. Yeh...liked them lots. But my absaloute fave was milamtexan for a fabulously good PB...well done there MM.
Talking of fearsome...we know we all tremble when an Invinvicble sets iron shod foot on the battlefield..and I've seen some of you scrabbling for cover into your trenches , don't deny it I've seen you! But anyone on target to join the esteemed ranks? Or are any of our gladiatorial leviathans in danger of having their legs sliced from underneath them? Must be horrible been so good.

KNEEL! I said KNEEL...these could be the new tyrants if they keep playing so good
UK & Co Invincibles (unless you can stop them)
miffy42#2 ....will remain.
Little_Heaven#10....will remain.
jules44#1 ....will remain.
Stuhern ....would get to scale Olympus
OldSpotPig ...could go truffle hunting on Olympus too
burnsbaron ...get Dudley to hire a cable car up there
lg549#8 ...will remain
wakazawaka ...order your oxygen tank ready for the giddy heights.
paper aeroplane#3...will remain. alcohol you know, it's ambrosia pud up there..

This means of course...that midgetmark...Kick ...Quiz Beagle...Seurat and magijoh could become battered and bruised Not-Invincibles. Bet that just made them sit up and reload their weapons with a mean gleam in their Cyclops eye. Don't look at me like that!'s the Gorgon isn't it

USA Invincibles
Surrealist#1 ...would remain.
BB1#3 ....would remain.
Eebs#4 ....would remain.
WorldB#2 ...would remain.
julieanne123 ...have crampons...will travel.
j2cp2#7 ...would remain.
mike32768#8 ...would remain.
strnog1#6 ...would remain.
Marsalinator ...strap your jetpack on now.
ryaman#10 ...would remain.

That would mean ryanknight and shadowzep would become
Not-Invincibles and reduced to mere mortals in combat. Don't think they'll go for that and there's nothing meaner and more menacing than an Invincible threatened with demotion and disgrace.
Hmn...if this all happens there could be a few changes in the UK & Co camp I'll have to nip of to Delphi and check the Oracle. Did you know they reckon there was hallucinogenic gas there?

The Titans
Yesterdays top titan was sparklingwine UK

Top 5 players & allegiances...sparklingwine UK...scubsacott USA...Marsalinator USA...poolosopher USA and skrizoo UK

That's another scalp in her belt for the feisty little UK player. Good work.
RJ went out in killer mode and filched MarchHares undefended trench and is sprinting hard after purelyqing. My fave little titan though was skrizoo...hope to see more of this player in action...enlisted late but is doing really well...and I love the name.

The Moguls
Yesterdays magic movie mogul was Surrealist#1 USA

He's good isn't he? Just has to be the player of the day yesterday...won both the Challenge and the Mogul. But skrizoo coming in 9th caught my beady eye. Doing really, really well just now...and did I mention I love the name. Whew...and drainman just managed to nip in time to grab bonus goodies. That was living dangerously!

The Survivor
Yesterdays steel sheathed winner was WorldB#2 USA

And my fave player for the day was...MOI! Because no one managed to escape from the Danger Zone! Not a one....never been known before so I'm bragging about my hunting skills.
As you know there is a little change coming up in the rules...yes, there is. Piranha is wickedly going to make it harder for you to survive after the end of this weeks K.O3. But don't worry, all of you who manage to reach the Final Frontier..I just added that because I like the sound of it....will be warned when the axe will start to fall...everyday..punishingly...with deadly stealth.
Can BB1 do it again?
Time to toddle of and snatch a cheeseburger off cat brat. See you there waving my napkin! That's my flag to show I'm not a pacificist but am a devout conscientious objector by the way.

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