Stars & Stripes
Hoisted by shadowzep#7
1. shadowzep#7 USA....what a nice bit of fancy footwork
2. jules44#2 UK...good dependable jules scampered in
3. Qmel USA...you're determined to be an Invincible,
4. Stuhern#7 UK...hello there...nice to see you back on form
5. j2cp2 USA....keep scampering..Invincibility beckons!
It was 3/2 for the americans. Becoming a regular thing aswell now, so it is. Seems to me they're fielding the strongest team they've ever had just now. Armageddon is drawing inexorably closer and there's personal glory at stake aswell as the team event. Well done to Qmel...leader of the Titans and destined for a crown and who has sneaked back into the Invincibles. Just missed out last month...bu that makes you my fave Challenge player too.
But another little trooper dazzled me with a magnificent performance. Stuhern scampered in 4th..was higher but as the day went on was getting biffed. It can get tough on the battlefield. Probably concussed now but this elevates him from Invincible in Dire Danger of Demotion...to merely Invincible in Danger of Demotion. Even team mates can eye each other preadatorily when it comes to the crunch.
Oh and hello...I'm waving to greyhunter...just got pushed of the foot of the flagpole and landed in 6th. Pretty impressive though for a first dash undr enemy fire. Bet the UK are pleased to have such good Commonwealth allies.
The Titan

Top 5 allegiances...sparklingwine UK...Anton USA...j2cp2 USA...scubascott USA...Qmel USA
It made for a much overdue UK win...and sparklingwine...also top UK team player biffed right and left biffing them cheeky americans aside. And they are cheeky ...do you read what they chat about in the itty bitty box. For this feat of endurance I picked sparklingwine as my fave Titan..and well deserved too.
Surrealist didn't put in an appearance yesterday...aw..and I was betting on him putting up a good tussle for the crown. Hope he's not been kidnapped
The Moguls
Yesterdays top history mogul was jules44#2 UK
Plug your ears...I'm going to shout!
Leadership change!
Wow...that's it UK...you've snatched the lead from under their noses on the last straight. Congrats to a fine effort from the whole team...but have you sprinted for the finishing line too soon? Even now I imagine the americans are grinning broadly, chewing bazookas and shaking out them lassoes ready to round you up. It's a 50 point breather you've won....and today is....I don't believe it! Movies. Oh dear. Can the UK hang on? This I must see...
The Last Human Standing
Yesterdays top survivor was miffy42#3 UK
Yes...my spiffy miffy set the pace. And oh er...don't want to alarm anyone but after play tomorrow the final cull will see you whittled down to the last 14 truly tough survivors.
The toughest, meanest, fittest , most fearsome fighters alive on the planet who'll then get only 3 days of History...People and Movies (huh?) to thrash out The Last Human Standing.
Isn't it dreadful and exciting!
Quick peek over the parapet in my bulletproof vest...the UK Challenge troops are hammering home at full throttle and building a pretty impregnable barricade to stop the USA reaching the flagpole. You know, america, I think one day you might live to regret antagonizing the foe by winning these past few months.
And the Moguls ....hmmm..only 1 american in the top 10 so far...scubascott ...and they've tied him up. Bit outnumbered but that's war for you. The Titans? Oops...he's wriggled free, escaped and has shot off in the lead here. The tricky thing. And the Last Human...I'll skip nimbly around the pit incase anyone grabs me mistaking me for a ladder....hard to see through the heat haze but I think it's miffy in the lead.
Go miffy go..and restore UK honour! The UK is under siege on all battlefronts!
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