Stars & Stripes
Hoisted by Surrealist
1. Surrealist USA...Gee...he's a real goer ain't he?
2. jules44#2 UK...What d'you think jules? A future champ?
3. WorldB#2 USA...Hey..what's this? Get jules day?
4. strnog1#4 USA...This is an organized offensive
5. BB1#1 USA ...Nearly but not quite a fullhouse.
4/1 for the USA. Seems to me there's no stopping them now they've got the bit between their teeth. And poor jules44...ambushed...an attempted kidnapping even. Surrealist certainly looks to be becoming big trouble. UK are going to have to superglue him down....too cruel? Aw...OK...how about tying him to a hot air ballon and waiting for a favourable wind?
My fave Challenge player was burnsbaron (and Dudley, bless him)..a PB in the bag and a much needed high scoring spot for the UK. Saw a new doggie dashing across the course, a new Commonwealth player with the union jack stamped on his bum. Made a good entry too...very promising. ..oh yes..answers to Pointer. Welcome and have fun here.
Now...I've been itching to peek see at who might or who might not make into the exalted ranks of the Invincibles next time....and remember, this could send catastrophic shockwaves rippling across the Titan battlefront.
Anything can happen but so far you guys are destined for greatness...maybe
midgetmark#1 ...has left the battlefield.
lg549 .....would return to Greatness..been on Olympus before
Kick ....would also get to take the Great Hike up the mountain.
Little_Heaven ...would decamp to Olympus....with a name like that no surprise
Hmn...intriguing. Will midgetmark slide further down? Will this allow another great UK to climb the lofty heights of Olympus with an oxygen tank strapped to their back?
These are at the head of the hungry pack behind.
Stuhern .....currently an Invincible
Seurat ....currently an invincible
Stuhern .....currently an Invincible
Seurat ....currently an invincible
The USA juggernauts....maybe destined for diefication...maybe not
Surrealist ...Cor...could be beginning of a legend living on Olympus
j2cp2 ...would get to live the high life again.
mos623 ....has also left the battlefield. Hmn..a pact?
I reckon any of these snappy little troopers could nip right in unchallenged
ryaman#9 ...currently an Invincible
julieanne123#10 ...currently an Invincible
Deborah#8 ...currently an Invincible
My little brain is working overtime now! Heh..heh...Why?
The Titans

Top 5 allegiances....Anton USA...Surrealist USA...poolosopher USA...j2cp2 USA....sparklingwine UK.
Congrats to Anton for 2 Wins In A Row...nice work there. My fave Titan was onebraincellUK...for er, yes the UK. Earned herself a PB...and came home in 10th. Both mascots are locked in combat here aswell..ain't that nice.
Now my brain is cogitating...and the thought has finally just popped out.
This is known as a Eureka moment.
As we all know Invincibles can't play the Titans...but...a demoted Invincible CAN if he feels brave take on the might of the hungry horde.
If Surrealist...j2cp2 ...Qmel...lg549 and Little Heaven reckon they can win the Titanasaurus Rex crown they'd better keep sprinting and not stop for breath just incase they're barred.
But oh what wicked fun...this might also mean that Stuhern#5 and Seurat#7 might qualify to join the squads. ...then again they might not want to...might need pressganging.
On the USA team ryaman#9 ...julieanne123#10 and Deborah#8 might jump into the fray.
Hear that Titans? New victims to pummel flat
It'll be great fun watching what develops here.
The Moguls
Yesterdays Sci-Tech Mogul was jules44#2 UK
2 Wins In A Row...that's my heroic girl. Never has every single bonus point been so precious. Cor...one players success or failiure could bring disgrace or victory.
A few days ago the USA nabbed the lead...but the UK are sticking to them like limpets. 40 points was all that seperated the teams 2 days ago..and 40 points is all that seperates them now. This one could be grabbed by either side right on the finishing line. Know anyone wants to play it? Think they can get 10 right?
Go enlist them...
The Last Human Standing
Yesterdays top steel plated survivor was WorldB#2 USA
Anyone panicking yet? Can you feel my pengy net hovering over your head, waiting to drop and drag you into the pit?
Qmel USA and Stuhern UK escaped last night. Hmm...I saw their muddy tracks.
But ah well...with relish I netted
BB1 USA and TAR fan USA and popped them in with Surrealist USA and shadowzep USA.
No one is safe when me and piranha are out scavenging. And many thanks to cat brat63 for thinking of tossing the scraps over. An occupied piranha means a safer pengy!
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