Hoisted by shadowzep
1. shadowzep#7 USA... Wow! Where did he come from!
2. ryaman#9 USA...the american army is going ballistic!
3. OldSpotPig UK...that's it porky...run them down!
4. Stuhern#5 UK...Well hello...just pipped the USA greatest
5. BB1#1 USA ...another three-legged race runner
Can't get closer than that..3rd...4th and 5th hurling themselves across the line together. Our fab porky was just ahead by a snout. It was still 3/2 for the americanos who rampaged home behind shadowzep. But what a bunch of star players are racing to that flagpole thesedays....makes picking a fave difficult. Chucked all the dogtags in a sardine can...and out came...oops, an old mouldy sardine...
then OldSpotPig and Stuhern..but you have to hand it to shadowzep for a pretty nifty sprint to the line...and chipownz. Yeh..I spotted you!
But my little heart pounded faster aswell when chewwy and glitterfairy scampered across the line. My little proteges....
How did all this hyperdrive fighting affect the private duels?
ryaman bested kick....oops...1/0 for the USA
magijoh1 is getting the upperhand over scubascott. 1/1
Stuhern biffed poolosopher and bungy jumped up the table and is leading a tough little posse of UK resistant fighters. Nice. 2/1 for the UK
Seurat bopped Anton....3/1 UK. Hey..what do you think america...they ain't lying down in the dirt. This is the UK & Co fighting back!
TAR fan and purelyqing is unresolved...but now Wetherby Pond's been dragged in TAR fan is in real danger. Still 3/1 then.
adumbledore is fighting for a submission off wakazawaka. Hmn..better make that 3/2 for the UK & Co.
The hand to hand combat in the trenches is getting explosive. Will the USA be able to fend off this concerted UK attack?
The Titans

Top 5 Allegiances... Anton USA...Little Heaven UK...TAR fan USA...Qmel USA...lg549 UK.
Cor...and it was only the first day of running across the Titan battlefield. One days play...one win. Bet the UK force are hoping it was the first and last. Little Heaven tried a rugby tackle..failed. Without a doubt Anton gets to be my fave player...and needs watching.
Not another USA hero wail the UK side. Take heart..or hire an assasin now ready for next month! I'm keen to take a peek but will resist the urge to guestimate which demoted Invincibles might get thrown next into the lion pit.
The Moguls
Yesterdays most cunning animal mogul was jules44#2 UK
A UK win! Hail jules....can't have the USA having it all their own way! They'll start expecting to win! Hah! My fave player was CRAZZYMAN...here is a true patriot...cut him in half and inside he will be stripey with stars. It's good to see so many rallying to the cause. This battle is the most closesy fought...where a slow connection could sink a nation.
The Last Human Standing
Yesterdays smartest survivor was j2cp2 USA

Now he's doing very well....winning quite a few times. Could this be our first champ? Could it? Will I manage to drag him into the pit? I'll give it my best shot.
But for now I've captured Qmel USA...Surrealist USA...Stuhern UK and
shadowzep USA.
Oh isn't this trememdous fun snatching big name players! Wonder if I'll mange to get my flippers around miffy and jules aswell? And you thought this one was for your enjoyment...
Have you noticed...piranha stamps you with your flags now so we can all see who is who instead of just a pair of dusty feet running upahead. That's nice...many thanks partner in crime.
Just time for a quick gander (translation: not animal but a peek at) around the battles.
Yikes....UK had better roll out the heavy artillery and take out Surrealist. Despatch the crack squads to The Challenge...The Titans and The Mogul.
PS. The Union Jack is collecting dust.
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