Union Jack
Hoisted by midgetmark#1
1. midgetmark#1 UK...Ooer...that's 2 in a row...
2. kick UK...Good..should be up here more
3. mos623 USA..oh yes, gtting back into his stride
4. jules44#2 UK..did he singe you jules?
5. Eebs#6 USA...Cor...it's a pile-up
Dearie me...there was a head on collision beteen 5 of you on 20 seconds. What a tangle...had the stretchers out...went to emergency status,...needed the lifting gear and cutters to unravel the protruding arms and legs. Whew, that was some ferocious fighting.
Did an unconscious body count...3/2 for the USA.
My fave Challenge player though was loginnamealias...now here's a feisty little critter. Had a couple of off-days...aw...but don't feel too sorry because I've been watching...and I think there's some hard training going on here by a talented little trooper..and it's paying off. It's that old conundrum...you'll all nod...do you go for speed or accuracy? Grab one and the other flys out the window. Frustrating hey.
Attack Imminent:
Careful Maggie...the Human Missile from Hades (aka mos623) is storming up behind...watch your tailend doesn't spontaneously ignite! I think that was rather politely said..don't you?
magijoh1..en garde!...Deborah is gunning for you
purelyqing....load your weapon...poolosopher is closing in..and he's getting meaner every month!
mfc....oooeeer..scubascott is coming...wonder if he's armed with a harpoon?
adumbledore40..run like the wind...Dr_Gas is storming along..with allies...
loginnamealias and tisonlyme321. You could get trampled...
But maybenot...because the US cavalry is coming, hotfooting it across the cindred craterscape ....bernie73... argentum and salami_swami.
Poor Lanadale and Marsalinator are stranded amongst the enemy and are having to slug it out
Poor Lanadale and Marsalinator are stranded amongst the enemy and are having to slug it out
The 2 mascots cat brat63 and onebraincelluk are fighting it out again..I'm sure they did this last month aswell.
and finally..the toughest place to be.....the utter stand off between
NEWSoUSA...blackprinceUK...polaris....lynn-ann...Limericist...RosaRita...Lacey...Squisher and Mikeangel.
Medical facilities are going to be stretched to the limit with this one. Dr Frankenstein's on call to patch them all up. I do so hope they've all carry a recent photograph on their person. Life might never be the same again afterwards.
But let's not dwell on that....
The Titans
Yesterdays fab Titan was Surrealist USA

Top 5 terrificus Titans were Surrealist USA...Marsalinator USA...sparklingwine UK...Qmel USA....TAR fan USA.
Are we looking at a future Titanasauras Rex here? The First Ever....
Then again....this battle is close....oh so much closer than the Challenge. I reckon any number of fine players could grab the crown.
And my fave Titan was Marsalinator...he's back..already romped in second. Can he catch Surrealist? Or will the UK troops steal the honour and build a blockade?
The Mogul
Yesterdays most magnificnt movie Mogul was Qmel USA
That's the first american mogul win for a few days now...a week actually...since the subject was ....ah....Movies. Gee..never thought to see the day when the dust devils were struggling on the mogul course. UK & Co are showing no mercy..not a shred. ..and who can blame them? It's tough but true...if you've got your enemy down...next you have to keep him down! Just watch out for the USA snapping jaws...they ain't beaten into submission yet.
My fave mogul was argentum....oh the cheeky brave thing just scuttled under the 60 scs guillotine. Talk about living dangerously...what elan..what nerve,..what style! That's dedication or you.
The Last Human Standing

Thought it would be kind to warn you all.
Yesterday miffy42 clambered to the top of the heap. Again. 3 Wins In A Row puts spiffy well clear of the Danger Zone...for now. Drat..I'll catch you yet miffy.
So who is in danger of feeling my flipper grab them by the scruff of the neck and haul them off to the stockade? Yay.. I get to lay the tripwires on this quiz....but some of you might wriggle out of the pit...and some of you clinging to the muddy edge might slither in.
purelyqing UK
cat_brat63 USA
solan_goose UK
solan_goose UK
twosleepy USA
onebraincelluk UK
polaris UK
Marsalinator USA....all you guys are in trouble...but could still get out.
onebraincelluk UK
polaris UK
Marsalinator USA....all you guys are in trouble...but could still get out.
Had a peek at the points...this is frightening fun...take care
Stuhern.... Qmel...Eebs and lg549...you are living on the very edge of danger...be careful none of the above pit dwellers drag you in at the last minute!
I will have my victims...if one of them escapes I will accept another sacrifice in exchange.
I'm enjoying this...can you tell?
Ah...time to calm down and be sensible....which reminds me...the mechanized abacus has had a minor gremlin or two. But have no fear..piranha's here and is bug hunting and exterminating. Thanks to piranha we have a nailbiting anything-can-happen battle to enjoy.
Right...I'm off to snatch a treat from cat brat63...then it's off to stand gaurd over the Danger Zone. If you're one of the hapless pit dwellers....you might glance up and see some dazzling pinpoints of light...no...it won't be the aurora borealis ...but my beady eyes.
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