Unio..oops sorry..Stars & Stripes
Hoisted by mos623 USA
1. mos623 USA...I warned you what destruction he was capble of
2. Wetherby Pond UK..yes..oh yes..a standing ovation!
3. Strnog1#4 USA..and it was a three-legged race...a tie
4. jules44#2 UK...and here is the third leg!
5. j2cp2 USA ...and only 2 secs behind..you spiffy lot!
3/2 for the USA...but the big news is that mos623 returned. Could have been a flying visit....bet the UK & Co team hope so. Perhaps they've all got their fingers and toes and any other little bendy bits crossed. Can you imagine that?...naw...though those of you blessed/cursed with a vivid imagination might have just smiled.
My fave Challenge player was...I couldn't choose..so I've two. Wetherby Pond...oh fantastically done my little gladiator....and a fab PB too! Pengy is dead chuffed for you. Then there was notae who bagged a fine PB too ..a terrific little fighter who's been busy sharpening her/his battle tactics. Nothing escapes me you know....well not for too long.
The Titans
First Titan across the line was Little Heaven

Go....go...go UK & Co...this is the 3rd day of flying the Union Jack. This team is making a comeback....there's some top class fighters in the ranks. I'm curious to see if the americans are in for a nasty shock. When the going gets tough...the tough get going...ask Winston...no, not him who got tortured...the other one.
My fave Titan...though I admire you all...was MarchHare007...has sneaked through the american blockade to join the fight. Some Titans have the added pressure of trying to bag the crown before they're ineligible. Cor...and doesn't that add to the wicked fun.
The Mogul
Yesterdays savvy people mogul was jules44#2 UK
Go girl go...she's aiming to catch miffy..bring him down and snatch his Mogul Maximus crown. ...no one else either side of the pond has ever bested these two fab players. So who was my fave fearsome Mogul? Wilberforce Dumblebum...of course...romped home in second...stormed upto 12th in the table. Oh yes...keep it up and you'll break into the elect cohort called the Top 10 and get to go in the Hall of Flame, your curious name etched in the annals of cybertime.
The Last Human Standing.
Top player yesterday was miffy42#3 UK
It's getting tougher...and it'll get even tougher too but my fave was jules44 for bungy jumping out of the Danger Zone. Never thought to see her in there anyway....but she got out pronto. Takes a special kinda of courage to even enlist for this campaign.
Time for a quick scan of the four battlefronts with my telescope. Wonder what impact yesterdays damning news from HQ had on the troops?
Arh.....paper aeroplane is holding his own on the Challenge..is busy straffing the battleield. With some fine support from wakazawaka the Union Jack could be out again tomorrow.
On the Titans...we have Surrealist upfront...he's good isn't he. Did you know he's top USA player on the Mogul....the Titans...AND The Last Human Standing. Not bad for a newcomer...flippin good actually.
The Mogul has ryaman in the lead...and the nibbles are ham and beans...sounds tasty so might get over there to jump the queue.
The Last Human Standing....where it's fraught and should carry a health warning. Scubascott has just checked the scoreboard...oh dear...will he slip over the edge of the abyss into the yawning pit, aka the Danger Zone? Will
cat brat63 use him as a handy leg up to climb out? She is already standing on onebraincell's head. Sound insane? Maybe a little...but survival is at stake and you're on your own.
And I'm loving every minute of it!
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