Yes...it's that time again when sensible penguins take cover in their bomb pod. My nerves are shot to pieces you know.
And this month I need to hide...
Let's get straight to the number crunching...
UK & Co fielded 49 players and nabbed 10,778 points = 49.95% of the apple pie.
USA fielded 61 players and swiped 13,443 points = 50.05% of the apple pie.
You can not get closer than that! A hairsbreadth...a speck of dandruff..you were breathing down each others necks!
But...after battering my abacus into spitting out fractions we have...
USA won by .05%....that's less than 1 percent...infact I think it's 5 hundreths of 1%. That is closer than best buddies get!
Last month the UK & Co won by 2.6%. Hmn..I'm keeping my beak firmly shut.
Everything hinges then on the Mogul....
USA fielded 28 Moguls who won 4590 points = 55%
UK & Co fielded 30 Moguls who snatched 3720 points = 45%
USA landslide victory of 10%
(Same as last month)
I'm reaching for my tissues here...the ones with that regal ladies head in the corner. ...
Combined Total Scores
USA = 53%
UK = 47%
USA win the May battle by 6%....last month it was 4%...the month before that was 0.4%. This american juggernaut is gaining speed...is flattening all in it's path.
Congrats To The USA Team For A Decisive Victory
And there is more nailbiting news to impart...that means since this 12 month Tour of Duty began the UK & Co have won 6 battles and the USA have now won 5. Rule Britannia...it was...but not anymore. Crikes the USA is closing in for the kill.
With one month to go who will win the first campaign? Can the UK overcome this new super-galvanizd foe and stop them running roughshod. What will Lizzie Windsor think? Will she enlist and fight the americans on the beaches...et al.
Right I won't woffle...times are too fraught...I'll post this so half of you can get off and celebrate and the other half can start devising devious tactics.
Below, as usual you'll find details of
Final Rankings & Points Won
The New Top USA & UK Invincibles
The Challenge Daily Winners
The Mogul Grand Results
And tomorrow I'll chat about the Individual Awards...and my fave..The MOPS. I'm rather proud of my little MOPS.
Between you and me some pretty good new players have enlisted of late and some leviathans have returned. This I like...it promises a real gritty battle for June.
See you on the course...I'm Watching You!
Let The New Battle Commence....And take No Prisoners!
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