Union Jack
hoisted by midgetmark
1. midgetmark UK Come to get your rank and crown back hey?
2. BB1#3 USA Have high hopes of you this month
3. ryaman#9 USA Whey hey...just beat jules
4. jules44#1 UK You said it would be tough..you're psychic
5. mike32768#4 USA Always reliable...a true veteran
What a fine start for these cheeky chappies....midgetmark is unranked..so expect to get mercilessly pummelled in his bid to clamber to the top. Noticed mos623 peeped in the other day...aw shucks..he's gone again. Was it my friendly hug/ Too exuberant? Too touchy feely?
Everyone who reported for duty played extremely well...I mean, well, there's load at stake. could be the first Tour of Duty will be a tie if the americans can win a victory this month. Naw...bet they can't do it...not now the UK & Co are alerted to trouble .Bet there's going to be a right old rumpus. Loads of fresh new talent to assess aswell.
My first fave Challenge player was OldSpotPig...not many pigs compete against humans you know. Our friendly porker made a fine start trotting home in 11th. And I was real chuffed to see finstockian and notae game to join the fun and help support their team. It's takes nerve to compete here....many an ego has been bruised. But you'll not find a tougher training ground.
And the Mogul?
Yesterdays top Movie Mogul was strnog1#5 USA
Yes Movies...the one subject that encourages muttering and swearing but 18 of you got off to a flying start and bcame the first to grab goodies.
My fave mogul hero was scubascott....hasn't played a whole month yet but I'll adopt him as my little protege cos I'm keen to see how high he can go. This could be bad news for you scuba...favouritism could evoke my infamous Kiss of Death. I open my beak and spout praise...and troopers end up ignobly in the mud. Just thought I ought to warn you.
Today I'm going to heap praise on a few of you. Whoopee I get to coo over our most fab players...
I set the podium and thrones up in the Hall of Flame...and jules you're gonna have to straddle two of them.(Hope that doesn't hurt)
Because I call jules44#1 to come and take your place as ....
Challenge Champ......AND......Mogul Maximus....
Everyone nod, click your teeth and applaud our Jule In The Crown.Fancy me calling her that before...pure genius hey!
And next...I call our Challenge Daily Dervish (that's most wins) to come and claim their gaudy medallion...stay put jules44...what do ya know, it's you! You snatched 13 wins and beat all others.
And...our Mogul Daily Dervish was non other but jules!
Hey she's good isn't she?
Did anyone else get a sniff in?
Which sprightly troopers earned the distinction of winning
3 In A Row?
Heh...heh...jules44 achieved it twice! First on the 2nd May and then again on the 29th. Is there no stopping her? Surely now weighted with 2 crowns, two gaudy medallions and two sashs she'll struggle to sprint along?
But others won 3 in A Row too...midgetmark earned a triple win on the Mogul on the 17th...and our own spiffy miffy set 4 In A Row on the 22nd on the Challenge.
Do you know by the way, that we've never had an american Mogul Maximus?
Chew on that.
And what about our residents on Olympus. Those fearsome Invincibles who breathe rarified air up on the dizzy heights?
Last night there was the usual wild partying and evictions. My relatives in the antarctic tell me even they could hear the americans celebrating .
Then sadly, Deborah and tihata came bouncing down the mountain..were they pushed or did they fall..but they were still laughing.
Their 2 replacments travelled in style in the cable car as befits fearsome Invincibles.
A big warm welcome to julieanne123 and bernie73.
And congrats to WorldB for snatching that elusive #1 and well-deserved I must add.
The Top 10 USA Invincibles now stand at..
1# WorldB
2# Eebs
3# BB1
4# mike32768
5# strnog1
6# julieanne123
7# hemisphere
8# j2cp2
9# ryaman
10# bernie73
Any change in the UK & Co olympus dwellers?
Oh yes...
paper aeroplane flew and mikew31 bungey jumped down promising to return and mhallesy and lg549 took up residence. Well done there.
New Top 10 UK & Co Invincibles are....
1# jules44
2# Maggie
3# Seurat
4# Little_Heaven
5# Squisher
6# miffy42
7# Quiz_Beagle
8# magijoh1
9# mhallesy
10# lg549
Fear these 20 goliaths for they are great and have the tricky job of leading the charge into battle.
And finally...my faves...my little proteges who have run their little legs off and climbed up the table improving their ranking. It's hard work. Many slither down the table...some go AWOL never to be seen or heard of again...but these admirable MOPS got stuck in, played hard, and proved they are a force to be reckoned with.
Tattoo these names on your forehead...for they will be dangerous.
The New Top 10 Mops....who get to live on the foothills of Olympus!
But first....drum roll pleaseCongratulations to our new Top Mop pwefc UK ….for climbing a snappy 47 ranks
Please...take your place on your throne besides jules44
2 milamtexan USA …. up 30 ranks
3 julieanne123 USA ….up 24 ranks
4 polaris UK ….up 20 ranks
5 ferfer72 USA … up 19 ranks
6 Little_Heaven UK … up 15 ranks
7 dcreasy USA …. up 15 ranks
8 Stuhern UK …. up 14 ranks
9 Turnbaby USA …. up 12 ranks
10 jacky UK … up 12 ranks
And all our other players who earn the distinction of improving their rank.
Alien8 USA ….up 11 ranks
argentum USA up 6 ranks
BB1 USA ….up 3 ranks
bernie73 USA … up 3 ranks
blackprinceUK UK …. up 3 ranks
burnsbaron UK up 5 ranks
cat_brat63 USA ….up 4 ranks
flicker123 UK up 10 ranks
hemisphere USA ….up 4 ranks
jules44 UK … up 1 rank
kjc USA ….up 4 ranks
LanaDale USA …. up 10 ranks
lg549 UK held position
Maggie UK … up 2 ranks
magijoh1 UK … up 3 ranks
Marsalinator USA … up 7 ranks
mhallesy UK …up 1 rank
mike32768 USA …. up 1 rank
Mikeangel USA …. up 2 ranks
WorldB USA … up 2 ranks
Qmel USA up 1 rank
Seurat UK … held position
shadowzep USA … up 4 ranks
shoemike USA …. up 3 ranks
Smaug USA ….up 5 ranks
sparklingwine UK up 8 ranks
Squisher UK … up 3 ranks
TAR_fan USA up 6 ranks
tisonlyme321 UK…. up 5 ranks
trooper2196 UK …. up 3 ranks
twosleepy USA ….up 2 ranks
Wetherby_Pond UK…. up 1 rank
WizardOfOz UK… up 4 ranks
Name not here? Don't be sad. There's less MOPS this month...it was tougher...more of you fell off course into the trenches and lost rankings. Or it could just be you haven't played the Challenge long enough to qualify. But then again...there's always this month to get your name entered into the Hall of Flame! and penguin, moi, is always on the lookout for promising troopers.
Handy Links
The Greatest In History...Challenge Champs, Mogul Maximus, Top
Flag Parade....Team Wins Since Time Began
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