Union Jack
Hoisted by lg549
1. lg549#10 UK...More! More! you got in the toughies!
2. midgetmark UK..Am I kneeling before a new champ?
3. jules44#1 UK...Here's the current one...our fab jules
4. BB1#3 USA...an Invincible..the soon to be USA top dog?
5. ryanknight USA...And a rank for you too?
It was all the cleverest players piling in yesterday....and 3/2 for the UK & C0.
My fave Challenge player...and I have to say this right at the outset today...was lg549. Been with us a few months now...was a top MOP, ranked #7 in December. Snatched a PB yestrday and broke the 20 secs barrier. Not many can do that you know.
There's some serious last minute scuffles on the boil.
And the prize is personal glory...aswell as team pride.
paper areoplane could'nt fend off maggie...but stuhern is galloping up behind..though he is being hunted by Quiz Beagle.
magijoh1, who's played like a real trooper this month is after julieanne123...but then again Deborah..ryaman and poolospher are having a final charge.
You know...no one is safe.
j2cp2 and sparkling wine are still locked in deadly combat...as are purelyqing and Anton.
Dr Gas is well placed to creep up and biff adumbldore40 and argentum.
Now this next little bunch of diehards deserve a medal...all eyeing each other up and scrabbling in and out the trenches...tisonlyme321...NEWSoUSA...FANS...shoemike and Alien.
Wonder who'll come out on top of that heap?Yes..it's the last chance to improve your own ranking and snatch last minute points. Every single point is going to count this time.
And the Mogul?
Yesterdays fabiest Movie Mogul was jules44#1 UK
5 In A Row...cor....and if anyone deserves it..it's jules. Can she match her own record of 6 , set in april. No one has ever beat 6 by the way on either quiz.
My fave Mogul was Anton...nipped in 4th..matched his own PB. A valueable member of the USA team who has been very good at bagging goodies.
Today I'm feeling nostalgic...it's coming up for the end of the First Tour of Duty...12 months of hectic dashing around the battlefields with bandages, stretchers and aqua vitae.
Moi, Penguin would like to thank all you troopers who enlisted and have earned the honour...yay..honour of fighting for your country.
I've made new friends...can a cheeky penguin call you friend? I've enjoyed myself immensely..and hope you have to. And we have team mascots...onebraincellUK and cat brat63....the latter who generously provides tasty nibbles on the Mogul running buffet.
But who has won?
I'm starting to get fidgety with nerves...am rattling my abacus with infantile impatience.
Is is the UK & C0..with 6 battle wins already under their grenade belt?
Or will the USA have forced a draw....a stalemate....
Drat! Will have to wait till tomorrow.
Then the stakes get higher...we have the new battlefields...where friendly skirmishing has already begun but will start proper..in earnest...and guess what...I have the bandages ready.
Yesterday our top Titan was shadowzep USA....and our Last Human Standing was miffy42#6 UK.
Tomorrow HQ will start monitoring these events and spitting out new stats.
So..until tomorrow...hasta la vista mi amigos!...
I have tons of exciting things to do whilst you hurdle the trenches at breakneck speed.
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