Union Jack
Hoisted by midgetmark
Hoisted by midgetmark
1. midgetmark UK 3 In A Row...come on midget..more! more!
2. jules44#1 UK ...4 in a row...troopers tied on time I mean
3. Eebs#2 USA...here comes the second...sprinting neck and neck
4. thereds4ever UK ...just couldn't nose past...
5. Maggie#2 UK...nor a whisker..this is close stuff!
Wow! I turn my back and all hell breaks lose on the course. It was 4/1 for the UK & Co....but how did midget avoid been trampled? Me, if I'd seen 4 such great players coming in a charge..I'd have dived headlong in the nearest trench. Yay..I'm a yellow belly.
My fave Challenge player was ...well, thereds4ever is back, sort off I think, and was in that four-legged race for the finish. That's impressive but then this little player is always good...sometimes brilliant...the skill of some of you takes my breath away but that could be the air hole in the vaccuum you create in your wake.
Oh...and mikew41, wriggled under the wire whilst I wasn't looking. Cheeky hey? He did well and so did one of our newest fighters silver lining...batting for the USA. Has someone been recruiting again I ask myself?
And..there are only 5 days left till Judgement Day...and this month it's anybodies guess who will win.
It's close, it's that close it's frightening. The UK & Co were leading by the skin of their teeth...but since then the USA have extended their Mogul lead. Victory is promised for one team...and shame and defeat for the other.
So how went the Mogul yesterday?
Our winning Animal Mogul was miffy42#6 UK
That's 2 in a row now...good work. The americans were starting to dominate there for a few days. Such treatment is gauranteed to earn a slap from miffy...or from one of the M's...those whose names must not be uttered.
My Mogul hero was defintiely mikew41. Back to wreak havoc..snatched goodies and snatched 5th. But I wonder sadly what Winston thinks...not George Orwells friend in 1984...the other one. Is it all too late?
And now new battlefronts are breaking out next month how will the war develop then?
The Titan battalions are already enlisting. And my the first recruit was quick....poolosopher appeared first in full battle kit before I'd even filled the hot tub.. Yes he did. There's more. The americans are there in numbers..fierce-eyed, already in hard training and looking tough. They'll be building barricades next!
Congrats to the brave souls who've already scampered over to the Last Human Standing....no midgetmark yet...seems strange...battle nerves do you think? Naw..not midget. Oops...bite my tongue off..just peeked and he's there.
Swivel my telescope over to the Challenge...it's miffy and midget and mike32768...M's. A hat trick! Over to the Mogul and m...my goodness...it's, sheer coincidence...midget..miffy and magijoh1. How do they do that?
Right I'm off...trillions of things to do...and only one pair of flippers...
Good innit.
By the way my friends...2 titbits to mention
1) If you want to enlist on the new quizzes remember you will have to create a new account there (with your usual name and password etc of course)....otherwise you might get daft messages saying you've already played. No.. It does not mean you have a clone on the loose masquerading as you.
2) We have a Titan battlefield, a vacant throne and a new crown up for grabs but no title. Tut...tut. Soon, later, I will be rigging up a little vote of a shortlist here on the blog and you can pick what the most frightening, most gifted and victorious Titan will be dubbed. Hail...whatever!
See you on the battlefields my friends...and someone pack a nice hamper with nibbles...cat brat is off for a few days and we'll all starve!
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