Union Jack
Hoisted by midgetmark
1. midgetmark UK...Hah..decided UK rule OK hey?
2. jules44#1 UK...Yay..an unbeatable duo...
3. shadowzep USA...same time but jules had dug in..
4. ryanknight USA...Are you keeping the stars & stripes safe?
5. BB1#3 USA....or you? Ready for the next flag dash to the mast
That made 3/2 for the USA....hey they're getting good at this aren't they?
My fave Challenge player was ....yay...Alien8. Why? For getting 10 correct! And it was a speed record I'm sure. 7489 seconds. That is phenomenal...wonder what happened? Had he been apprehended and taken back to hangar 51? Did his mouse go rogue...or need feeding with new nutritious batteries at a critical moment. We will never know.
And the Mogul
Yesterdays absaloutely fab Movie Mogul was Deborah USA
Three Cheers for Deborah...hip hip..because the day before she had glory cruelly snatched from her grasp. Did she lie down in surrender...she did not! No one else comes close to been my fave Mogul after that star performance.
I have urgent news to impart...leaked from HQ
Hoisted by midgetmark
1. midgetmark UK...Hah..decided UK rule OK hey?
2. jules44#1 UK...Yay..an unbeatable duo...
3. shadowzep USA...same time but jules had dug in..
4. ryanknight USA...Are you keeping the stars & stripes safe?
5. BB1#3 USA....or you? Ready for the next flag dash to the mast
That made 3/2 for the USA....hey they're getting good at this aren't they?
My fave Challenge player was ....yay...Alien8. Why? For getting 10 correct! And it was a speed record I'm sure. 7489 seconds. That is phenomenal...wonder what happened? Had he been apprehended and taken back to hangar 51? Did his mouse go rogue...or need feeding with new nutritious batteries at a critical moment. We will never know.
And the Mogul
Yesterdays absaloutely fab Movie Mogul was Deborah USA
Three Cheers for Deborah...hip hip..because the day before she had glory cruelly snatched from her grasp. Did she lie down in surrender...she did not! No one else comes close to been my fave Mogul after that star performance.
I have urgent news to impart...leaked from HQ
Two New Quizzes Are Starting In July
Yes, isn't this exciting news....fighting is about to break out on 2 new fronts.
You can ignore them..choose not to play them...you will not be shot for cowardice.....but naturally I hope you will.
Choose to play them that is...not be shot.

Details of Rules of Engagement will be posted here on the blog
...once I'v
e thought of them.
One thing you ought to know now.
Holders of the coveted Invincible status are not allowed on this new battlefield.

One thing you ought to know now.
Holders of the coveted Invincible status are not allowed on this new battlefield.
If you lose your rank one month though you are then eligible to register to play...go trounce a few Titans or get bitten by the pack. Regain your Challenge Invincible status and you're barred again. I will issue reminders to the players concerned incase this is confusing.
All other players can fight in both ......questions will be set at General Knowledge....and there will be a title to win of course... and inclusion in the Hall of Flame for the top Titan.
The UK V USA Last Human Standing

A tough battle for the troops with the strongest nerves. Open to all . But do you dare pick up the gauntlet?
Win bonus points for each day you survive...no matter what you score....questions will be various subjects.
Sound too easy? Wait....
How long do you think you can survive fighting each other...whilst moi, penguin is busy eliminating the bottom 25% of troops every week aswell. Yes, every 7 days there will be a cull. I will take prisoners from the battlefield (delete you)...
All other players can fight in both ......questions will be set at General Knowledge....and there will be a title to win of course... and inclusion in the Hall of Flame for the top Titan.

A tough battle for the troops with the strongest nerves. Open to all . But do you dare pick up the gauntlet?
Win bonus points for each day you survive...no matter what you score....questions will be various subjects.
Sound too easy? Wait....
How long do you think you can survive fighting each other...whilst moi, penguin is busy eliminating the bottom 25% of troops every week aswell. Yes, every 7 days there will be a cull. I will take prisoners from the battlefield (delete you)...
Because this quiz will have so many casualties it will probably require all players to have to re-register at the beginning of each months play. Hope this isn't a pain to have to do.
The winner will win the honour of been crowned Last Human Standing on a par with the Challenge Champ...Mogul Maximus...MOP and new titan champ, (title yet to be decided).
You can play either new quiz...or neither. Both are stand alone tournaments though at the end of each month all the scores will be added in with the Mogul and the Challenge to decide which country wins.
I'm looking forward to this alrready...heh heh.
Will post more details tomorrow...and go get the battlegrounds..sorry quizzes so you can enlist in good time for the war.
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