Stars & Stripes
Hoisted by BB1#3
1. BB1#3 USA...the ground trembled...it was BB
2. WorldB#1 USA...and an aftershock...it was WB
3. squisher#5 UK...and yes, poor squisher was squished
4. poolosopher USA...into a pool..hey this is fun.
5. mike32768#4 USA..and no more UK got a sniff in
That was almost pretty conclusive. 4/1 for the americans...the charge led by BB1. I was jumping up and down on the sidelines for this one. Shook the Stars & Stripes out ready and had it gripped ready in my flipper. By the way sorry squisher...I think I gave you the Kiss Of Death..when will I learn to keep my beak shut. I have an uncanny knack for jinxing my friends.
My fave Challenge player had to be poolosopher....who else could it be after such a good sprint to the finish? Though Marsalinator ...cat brat63 ...Georgia and Alien8 and lynn-ann all romped into the top 20 finishers too. That seems an awful lot of americans. Hah, my laser detectors noticed no1nibbs has returned from leave aswell. Wonderful to see you back on the battlfield...that's fighting spirit..and to snatch 19th...must be in peak form. Good. The more fisticuffs the better now it's getting critical out there.
I have a confession...I'm a big fan of some of you. Can't say who..could jinx you with K.O.D.
But...I wanna share my admiration....so I'll say sorry now...
A few of you haven't reported for duty everyday...no matter...we don't do the firing squad thing here. ...yet against all odds you've still beaten you way into the Top 50.
Cor...With days off for R & R that makes you pretty special to my mind.
I speak of ...
Eebs USA at 11th with only 15 days play under her grenade belt.
j2cp2 USA at 30th after 11 days dodging sniper fire.
Wetherby Pond UK at 31st with only 14 days skirmishing.
Anton USA at 38th with only 14 fisti-fights.
adumbldore40 USA at 48th with only 11 dashes behind enemy lines.
Cor, that's impressive. Tigers waiting to pounce. Think if we asked nicely they'd paint a bullseye on theirs backs so you they can be spotted easier and taken out?
And the Mogul?
Yesterdays wisest History Mogul was WorldB#1 USA
Yes...that's 2 In A Row...nab another WorldB and you get your name etched in the Hall of Flame and become the stuff of heroic sagas and legends and the highest accolade , a bedtime story for penguin pups.
My fave Mogul was ...are...Deborah and CRAZZYMAN ...for both adding more goodies to that USA bonus mountain and doing the USA proud. With this kind of magnificence don't know whether the UK will manage to avert a bloodbath.
A quick peek over the parapet...WHAT! An american, ryanknight, is leading the Challenge and holding 7 UK & Co troops at bay. Go get him...
And the Mogul? Kismet or Karma, call it what you will...the balance is restored.
miffy and magijoh are giving the USA what for...and on Movies too. Now that is a surprise. You're not going to let them get away with that are you?
And there are legs strewn all over the course...but be not alarmed...they are leftover scraps from yesterdays smorgasboard...leg of lamb , though come to think of it we once had a player called ewemama.
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