24th February Shout Box

Union Jack
Hoisted by thereds4ever

1. thereds4ever UK. A Win! A Win! Fab Work!
2. mhallesy UK Oh yes...another super duper effort!
3. jules44#1 UK Here comes our Champ...for how long?
4. Stuhern UK That's it....get in there
5. tihata#3 USA Battered and bruised...but well done!

Seems to me that everyone is game to have a go at taking on the Three Mousketeers. Good...fear is the mind killer....Well done to thereds4ever for his win. My fave Challenge player had to be....it was hard...again. Loads of you shone and so I'm staring braindead at a list in my flipper ....I'm stumped...so I'm gonna have all of you as faves. Great performances from these worthy little troopers...
mhallesy ...genetrivia1 ...purelyqing ...Qmel ....kjc ...BB1 ....poolosopher
...shadowzep ....Silvertop ...quasar .... WizardOfOz ...lg549
...adumbledore40 and LanaDale . Crumbs...how many is that? But I don't care...wanted to mention you so I did.
And Bravery Awards go out to these players...thrashing it out are
greenkiwi V tisonlyme321 has got me all excited.
OldSpotPig V Qmel is another privated duel that's got me intrigued.
Quiz_Beagle V Turnbaby is hotting up

Makes me wonder who'll be awarded Top Mop this month...so many good players putting in PB's and going that extra mile.

And the Mogul?
Yesterdays smartest History Mogul was midgetmark#4 UK

Our little midget is rather good at History I've noticed. Today is Movies though and that stumps everyone...so much stuff to read!...No time to think!
My fave Mogul was undisputably...no question...no contest...it was angelica. Not been running the Mogul gauntlet long and came home with bonus points in the bag yesterday. Good work there! I might add here that Marsalinator is storming his way up the rankings. Ah...shame..it'll be too tough a task to get in the top 20 I reckon but the UK might need to send out snipers next month.
Wonder if anyone can catch miffy42 who's on target for a double-crown? That'll be a first in tournament history if he can pull it off. jules44 is closest in both quizzes...but oooohh...not sure even jules in bionic mode can tackle and bring him down. Still, you never know for sure....and I never bet unless the odds are gauranteed and stacked in my favour.
Just felt a tremor shake the ground...Did you feel it too?
Hah...that was miffy just blistering past on the Challenge....aiming to bag another win! Gee, talk about indestructible. Time for me to scurry off and stretcher-off the casualties again.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Emperor, oh my Emperor. I've had so much fun around here, I've decided to set up my own tournament - please would you be kind enough to advertise it? All are welcome. MTIA. http://my.funtrivia.com/tournament/Hamishs-Thunderdome-81293.html